Anyone using e-filiate?

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not to create any further fury but this doesn't sound right. i sure as hell would be on the line with my affiliates and keeping in constant communication. I don't even know who my AM is there, keep posting updates on whats happening I was going to move some traffic there from NB but I don't know about that now.
I have sent emails to 2 networks Joe is running offers through asking them what the fuck is going on.

Does anyone know who are?

I can't find a contact from them and he has tons of their email submits.

in checking my emails from him they stopped on the 13th. (not the 16th)

So it seems that no-one has heard from him since payments were due on the 15th.

Its time for us to put some heat on Joe.
Yeah...a police report. That'll work.

Anyway, any updates on this situation? Was considering running some traffic through them, but ehh this thread makes me think twice.
Joe sounds like a great guy who scams affiliates for a living. i've not heard back from him, anyone else?
UPDATE - 06/26/2008:

My payment status has changed from "Approved" to "Paid" on E-Filiate. I switched to check because I didn't want them having my bank account info and all after all this crap started...

I'll update you all if/when I get the check.
They owe Smaxor like $6,000 for a few months now.. If they don't pay him, then they ain't paying anyone. Beware.
As Jon mentoned and I mentioned in another thread that's 100% true.

Suppose we have to look at all things and take something from them. This was a $6k to not do business with someone you don't know that well and doesn't have history and trust in the industry.

Crappy to learn a $6k lesson, but I won't make that mistake again.
UPDATE - 09/26/2008:

My payment status has changed from "Approved" to "Paid" on E-Filiate. I switched to check because I didn't want them having my bank account info and all after all this crap started...

I'll update you all if/when I get the check.

My bad. Date fixed.
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