Anyone using e-filiate?

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Hmm ok. Seems like few people are using them. Anyone else?
I just signed up with them, will start running traffic there this week. What do you think about the number of campaigns ?
I think the number is ok and they could probably get you a campaign from another network if you asked (haven't done this yet so not sure). But the last time any offers were added was august 27th which is too long ago in my opinion. Also can anyone check whether you see the subids of your conversions? I see them for clicks but not for leads which kind of defeats the purpose.
I signed up a week or so ago and all seems well. You need to append &data1= to the end of your affiliate link for sales to show, mine is working fine.

payouts seem good and I've been converting at a pretty good clip compared to a few other networks for the same offer.
I signed up a week or so ago and all seems well. You need to append &data1= to the end of your affiliate link for sales to show, mine is working fine.

I do and it works perfectly when it's just a click but whenever it's a lead the field where the subid should be is empty. Guess I'll ask my AM...
I do and it works perfectly when it's just a click but whenever it's a lead the field where the subid should be is empty. Guess I'll ask my AM...

Off topic...I met Danny Trejo once, he's a friend of my uncle. I, too, would like to advocate Danny Trejo power. Haha.
Has anyone been paid yet? Where the hell is contact info? They are hosted at hostgator and their WHOIS is private, I feel like a dumbass pushing $2K worth of traffic this week, they better pay.
Do you have contact information? Phone number for someone there? It's really hard to take this company with credibility when they have WHOIS under privacy and shared hosting -_-.

Furthermore, it's hard for me to give any merits to your posts for now, I mean, after all, look at your sig.
That and the fact that their TOS is a simple copy/paste of the Advibrance TOS, with the url still in there, made me post this in the first place.
They won't even respond to my emails, and I have made a big chunk of change with them. I'm worried I won't get paid...

Will have to see I guess...but until I get a response and/or get paid, I'm not going to bother with them.
I actually just signed up to them and added my AM on aim so I'm going to wait to chat to them first.

Has anyone else come across any problems or good points about this company?
I actually just signed up to them and added my AM on aim so I'm going to wait to chat to them first.

Has anyone else come across any problems or good points about this company?

Who's your AM? Joe N? He is NEVER on AIM. I can't get a hold of him at all.
hm.. I have a pal using them, He's been able to chat with the AM there.

It seems like a OK program... (meaning you'll likely get paid), but most likely, he's just grabbing the offers of another network.
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