Anyone here blaze?

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man oh man i used to smoke heaps of pot but fuck doin that now

it just kills your motivation and drive IMHO
I used to smoke it by the oz too but cut off the last few years. It def did get the creativity up but also made me lazy as hell. Solution was to write down all my creative thoughts then when I wasn't high try to figure out wtf I was talking about.
I don't hit the tree at all, but I sure do love my alcohol 5+ nights a week!
I saw an interesting Discovery Channel documentary on the "War on Drugs" There is no doubt in my mind after seeing that, that marijuana is a medicinal drug. Youtube search for this documentary, not sure if its on there, but fascinating info about LA, Nicaragua, and how the CIA was selling drugs to black people in south central.
Pot is no more a drug than coffee or chocolate.

Heroin, Blow, Viagra, Oxy, LSD, and Ex are drugs.

IMO anyway :)
I once drank 1/3 of a glass of vanilla extract for a dare (couldn't manage the whole glass) and had THE most bizarre thoughts and visions later that evening, and at night the most intense dreams I've ever had.
I know it doesn't count anymore...

But I spent my HS years and then some, toking away. I barely remember my 11th grade year in school. Only foggy bits and pieces. I also blame my now HORRIBLE short term memory on the longterm effects.

Waking and baking is what I did for at least 5 years straight. Maybe missed 10-15 days out of the entire year due to sickness, although I did take a forced 9-week break due to Mono, but the day I was better, I was smoking a fiiiine but really mellow Blueberry strain.

I've been ganja free since Jan 2005. I do miss it, but I don't miss it enough to go back. Cigarettes have since replaced it, and I'm a serious Hookah smoker as well (got 3 VERY beautiful handmade pipes).
I know it doesn't count anymore...

But I spent my HS years and then some, toking away. I barely remember my 11th grade year in school. Only foggy bits and pieces. I also blame my now HORRIBLE short term memory on the longterm effects.

Waking and baking is what I did for at least 5 years straight. Maybe missed 10-15 days out of the entire year due to sickness, although I did take a forced 9-week break due to Mono, but the day I was better, I was smoking a fiiiine but really mellow Blueberry strain.

I've been ganja free since Jan 2005. I do miss it, but I don't miss it enough to go back. Cigarettes have since replaced it, and I'm a serious Hookah smoker as well (got 3 VERY beautiful handmade pipes).
Hookah FTW! I'm quite a serious smoker of that myself

Ganja is fine on the side though. I'll be doing that until Adderall works as good as weed. The trick is dosing it so I don't get stoned really, but calm enough to work. Weekends stoned is fine though.
man oh man i used to smoke heaps of pot but fuck doin that now

it just kills your motivation and drive IMHO

They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.

- Bill Hicks

to answer the question tho, i'm not the frequent smoker anymore....but every few months i'll toke up, just to re live the experience :p
Carl Sagan apparently came up with his best ideas while high. Personally I hate the smell of it so don't do it anymore.
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