Anyone here blaze?

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They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.

- Bill Hicks

to answer the question tho, i'm not the frequent smoker anymore....but every few months i'll toke up, just to re live the experience :p

nah i dont need to read about or have anyone lie to me bout what pot does

coz it did kill my motivation and drive

i was like a fuckin lazy zombie on that shit

I don't smoke, but every usually once every few months I will smoke, and pot has the complete opposite affect on me, it makes me extremely hyper. I usually begin bleaching the floors, walls, doors, EVERYTHING. I clean for a few hours, until my house is spotless, and then I pass out from exhaustion.

{I'm an obsessive compuslive clean freak as it is, and weed makes it much, much worse!}
I don't smoke, but every usually once every few months I will smoke, and pot has the complete opposite affect on me, it makes me extremely hyper. I usually begin bleaching the floors, walls, doors, EVERYTHING. I clean for a few hours, until my house is spotless, and then I pass out from exhaustion.

{I'm an obsessive compuslive clean freak as it is, and weed makes it much, much worse!}

sup janaic.....wanna come over to my place? some fresh bud....i duno, i could sit back and trip out to some movies...maybe you could tidy up a bit around here? lol jk. :anon.sml:
sup janaic.....wanna come over to my place? some fresh bud....i duno, i could sit back and trip out to some movies...maybe you could tidy up a bit around here? lol jk. :anon.sml:

Haha, nice try. ;)
pretty much every day, but I agree there is an optimum amount that will make you creative, relaxed and productive, step over that and you're into weekend stoned and not gonna make a cent. I bought a new bong and the bowl was extra big and I got too fucking stoned every day for a month before I figured it out
pretty much every day, but I agree there is an optimum amount that will make you creative, relaxed and productive, step over that and you're into weekend stoned and not gonna make a cent. I bought a new bong and the bowl was extra big and I got too fucking stoned every day for a month before I figured it out
I had the same problem w/ bongs. I actually use a one hitter if I'm going to be working. Makes it easier to dose.
I wonder if I can write it off in taxes...
I've been smoking weed for over 15 years now...

I've been trying to cut back... tried to quit for a while, at least a few months to clean my system out... soon as I get stressed out bout something I spark one up tho... my sober periods never seem to last too long...

my all-time favorite strain is BOG's Bogglegum... anybody that remembers Overgrow should have an idea of what I'm talking about ;)
I'm a serious Hookah smoker as well (got 3 VERY beautiful handmade pipes).

Pics or it didn't happen ;)

Had a friend that smoked a hookah. He was Lebanese (sic?) and his family would send him this gooey red tobacco from home. It was apple flavored, and from what people told me it was just like eating (smoking) an apple. At the time I was a non-smoker for 2 years, so being around any kind of smoke irritated my sinuses.
Yes, I have smoked... but not a lot, probably one or twice a month.

But my new year resolutions for this year is to:

- not smoke weed
- not drink
- not swear

I have only not succeeded in not swearing, otherwise don't drink or smoke weed anymore :)
P.S. Marijuana is also legal in Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. I'm sure the laws aren't even close to as lenient as in California but check your local laws and make it happen.

Legal in Washington? I don't think so buddy.
I don't smoke it but wondering if you do it because it's a need (I don't know, 'pressures of life' or a depressing reason) or more so because life's quite good and you want to raise the daily 'excitement' level to a new high (more of a 'increase quality of life...I mean enjoyment').
You said marijuana, not medical marijuana.

Washington - NORML

WHAT?!?! If you have 40g or more it's a felony even though it's legal? WTF?


well i was talking about medical marijuana to begin with in my post dickwad, if you couldnt pick that up im sorry i wasnt specific enough for you.

as far as washingtons specific laws on medical marijuana, yes there are more limitations than here in cali, but its clearly still legal for a medical marijuana patient to posses and use a reasonable amount of ganja.


edit: as a matter a fact heres a fucking link to a legal marijuana grow op in washington Seattle Green Cross - Seattle Medical Marijuana ya douche

I don't smoke it but wondering if you do it because it's a need (I don't know, 'pressures of life' or a depressing reason) or more so because life's quite good and you want to raise the daily 'excitement' level to a new high (more of a 'increase quality of life...I mean enjoyment').
Smoking because you're depressed is a bad idea. But either stress or because you're in a good mood works wonders most of the time.

there are few things as calming as sitting in a lounge chair outside on a summer day with a j, a beer, and some good music.
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