Anyone have dark circles under the eyes and red/darkish eyes?

Hey, small update people cause I know a few of you have the same problem.

Ok, I know this is stupid that I never thought of this. But like 2 days after posting this thread my sister moved out, and she took Tyrone with him (contrary to what you might be thinking, not a burly 250 LB black man:rainfro:) who is a 6 LB chihuahua. Literally less than 24 hrs of him leaving my eyes turned white and I almost shit myself cause they weren't this white since like lord knows when.

So yeah... don't forget bout them allergies.

Unfortunately my eyes still have purple/darkness under then but it isn't as bad as before, though.

Got my blood drawn today, Doc said I look like I might have anemia or some shit so eh.

More at 11'
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The darkness is most likely as suggested 'Genetic'. You can get certainly surgeries to fix it if you really care.

However I notice that not getting a true night sleep will make mine way worse. As everyone has suggested start with the basics. Get some excercise, even if it's just a bike ride or walk. Eat some decent food, don't eat junk. Obviously if your doing interwebz staying away from your computer is hard but turn your brightness down. Also as horrible as this will sound, smoking herb will make you more tired and bagged. This will also produce the circles.
Dark circles = not enough sleep.
Red eyes = too much time in front of screen.

Get some R&R bro.