Anyone have a difficult time finding entrepreneurial minds/people in real life?

meh I just feel like positive people, positivie thinking and positive environments yield good results and ideas. It's draining to sit around and listen to people talk about the same old all day, everyday. I know for certain that when Im posting on forums like wickedfire or seeing anything motivational online I reap benefits from it.

You guys are definitely shedding some light on the benefits of little competition though. I think it would be great to work with people outside of the IM industry and try to pursue new goals and help each other out.

Look around Kijiji, Google, etc. Find local entrepreneur groups. I've been to several semi-local copywriting and marketing meetups in my area lately -- all were discovered through Kijiji.

You have to have a brain, and a skeptical mindset to avoid douchebags and bullshitters; but I've been really fortunate in meeting many like-minded people.

It's nice going to a place where dickrolling newbs is inappropriate and there are always successful entrepreneurs willing to share startup advice.

Just don't share any of your million-dollar ideas with anyone!

Lots of groups you can join offline -- you're just not looking hard enough. I also met an awesomely successful entreprenuer through my brother, who is taking an entreprenuership class at his college... let's just say the guy owns a huge chunk of pepsi, every dream car you can imagine, and is great friends with most of the Dragon's Den cast... he welcomes anyone to go to the college and meet him -- student, or otherwise. I'm sure you have people like that in your location.

Yup definitely. That's why I love AIM so much.

I've found that having someone else to talk about this isn't 1+1=2 but more like 1+1=100 in terms of results.

Just rocks to have someone to talk to that's in the same mindspace as you are.
As I have stated again and again, I find the "entrepreneurs are the smartest, coolest and all others are just sheep .. BAAAH" mentality unnerving.

So you got your own biz? Fine.

I work with people who run circles around you either coding, smarts, work ethics, language skills, you name it.

Just because someone does not aspire to entrepreneurship doesn't mean shit.


PS: Also witnessed several of these go into biz for themselves at a later age and killing it.

PPS: Witnessed enough "oh so fucking great" entrepreneurs eat shit as their business went down as well.
lol Im sensing some anger.... hopefully I didn't come off as douchey in the OP.