Anyone have a difficult time finding entrepreneurial minds/people in real life?

I have to agree with you on some of those points because I myself have experienced the same feelings but word of advice:

1) Lower your expectations and have fun. Seriously, your never going to find the "perfect" group of people to hang out with or talk to online... learn to adapt and be social

2) Meet Up 202, ASW, ASE really you have no excuse to not find friends or people you can converse with about your business. My best advice is to grab a twitter, and talk to people in your field of interest. And people love to talk about themselves, PM people here on the boards and introduce yourself and make a friendship.

And not to sound like a dick, but get off your high horse and learn to be social and adapt to other people. Don't look down on others because they aren't as "productive" or "driven" are you. Everyone is different, and some like to suck there bosses dick and get used in return for security of a 9-5.
Since I opened a retail store I've met a whole bunch of local business owners, its pretty cool. The online world is lonely though...
It's lonely at the top.

Learn to love it.
+1 to that.

OP: List your location on Wickedfire and hit up other people who live nearby. Find and go to the Meetup202/Affiliate Summit meetups. Post a thread asking if there are people on Wickedfire nearby. There's probably a bunch of people in your area doing similar stuff that you don't know about.
It's a catch-22. In one way, it's great to be surrounded with hard working, ambitious people who are constantly pushing themselves, because it helps rub off on you. For example, where I live these days it doesn't take fuck all to be considered rich and successful. In downtown Vancouver for example though, making say $60k/month will brandish responses like, "yeah, that's not bad. keep at it, and you'll get there!".

On the flip side, and I think I've just met the wrong people in life, but it can get draining constantly listening to these guys go off about their ideas, new ventures, etc. Especially since many of these guys simply know they're the smartest person in the room, so they won't shut up. This gets even more draining when you can tell they're gunning for you to help them out with their project(s).
I think it would be awesome to find people who have the same thinking and work ethic as me but at this point that doesn't seem realistic.
It isn't realistic. Most people are lazy. Lazy defined as doing the minimum amount of work to accomplish low standards. There are no great men of industry who worked M-F, 9-5.
I have to agree with you on some of those points because I myself have experienced the same feelings but word of advice:

1) Lower your expectations and have fun. Seriously, your never going to find the "perfect" group of people to hang out with or talk to online... learn to adapt and be social

2) Meet Up 202, ASW, ASE really you have no excuse to not find friends or people you can converse with about your business. My best advice is to grab a twitter, and talk to people in your field of interest. And people love to talk about themselves, PM people here on the boards and introduce yourself and make a friendship.

And not to sound like a dick, but get off your high horse and learn to be social and adapt to other people. Don't look down on others because they aren't as "productive" or "driven" are you. Everyone is different, and some like to suck there bosses dick and get used in return for security of a 9-5.
I have tons of people I hang out with regularly but the conversation is always the same. I don't "look down" on anyone but it would be nice to share aspirations and ideas with like minded people... not really sure where your comment came from.
I have tons of people I hang out with regularly but the conversation is always the same. I don't "look down" on anyone but it would be nice to share aspirations and ideas with like minded people... not really sure where your comment came from.


Seems like 90% of people I know just want a 9-5 lifestyle with little to no ambition to make money or live a nice life.

Like I said not many are lucky enough to know how to make money on the internet and jerk off to porn all day, and smoke blunts and make money.

Like someone said, its lonely at the top..get use to it.
Yeah, I had the same problem. By no means, I am not a baller at all yet, at the moment, I am actually having a "shit hit the fan" scenario. BUT...

I couldn't find like-minded people too. Most of the people I know come from the bottom of society, or who want to live just "average" working F-M; 9-5.

Anyway, what I did was, I started to rent a small office in an office building to get my shit done more effectively, and what I found out before renting the office, was that most other renters are also small business owners, aged 20-30, how awesome is that. Now we are having Tuesday beers in middle of the day, in our offices together, just because we can. Awesome.

Maybe renting an office, or relocating if you have one to a place where other renters are also people your age, hustling with their own things, could work for you. It helped me.
I'm the ONLY entrepreneur within my family and it really sucks big time if even none of my friends are in to this business or even can understand the shit. They are like how do you get paid? From where you get money? If I don't buy expensive things my neighbors, family guys or friends have no clue what I'm up to.

LOL I know one of my other online friend who can't get married to the girl he loves cz her parents thinks like he is doing some illegal stuff or selling drugs :P

I wish if I can find local big time affiliates but its impossible to find here where I live cz there are none or very few. Although last year in October I flew (700 miles away) to one of the big time affiliate and it was pretty good meeting cz I learned a lot about this industry within few meetings with that guy.

but yeah I'm heading to ad;tech New Delhi next year (Feb 2012). So if any of you baller have plans to visit India just PM me and I will get in touch and be sure we meet there.

Like I said not many are lucky enough to know how to make money on the internet and jerk off to porn all day, and smoke blunts and make money.

Like someone said, its lonely at the top..get use to it.
lol okay? I see nothing wrong with that, it's the truth. Has nothing to do with me looking down on anyone, that's just the way it is.

@Suspect Device, how much do you pay for an office? I think that would be awesome but for now Im workin out of my bedroom.

edit: not sure why I put must read but can't get rid of it now.
As I have stated again and again, I find the "entrepreneurs are the smartest, coolest and all others are just sheep .. BAAAH" mentality unnerving.

So you got your own biz? Fine.

I work with people who run circles around you either coding, smarts, work ethics, language skills, you name it.

Just because someone does not aspire to entrepreneurship doesn't mean shit.


PS: Also witnessed several of these go into biz for themselves at a later age and killing it.

PPS: Witnessed enough "oh so fucking great" entrepreneurs eat shit as their business went down as well.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I work 24/7 on here, so the Internet is what I do for a living and it's all distributed on different things geared toward being an entrepreneur. It'd be nice to meet other entrepreneurs who are serious though. If you are real, you have set goals each day that work up to your main goal. Taking little steps is what put's it into action and this is what has helped me.

I absolute hate having a 9-5 job, where someone tells me what to do, having to put up with other people being rude, or doing a job I don't really like. You get the picture. Now, people with 9-5 jobs are usually not lazy - maybe they just have not had the time to pursue their true goals?
The only way you find people who have ambitions outside the 9-5 is by hanging out with people who have a similar mindset.

As for me not long ago I've found out that one of my oldest friends wants to get out from the 9-5 life so we clicked and started working together. And yes i agree there are few and far between of these people. Some can be found on forums, I have many great friends and business partners as well.
+1. Even online you quickly learn to shut-the-fuck-up about certain "ideas" of yours once you've experienced one being stolen by someone in a better position to implement it (thankfully never happened to me personally, probably because I've never had any "ideas" worth stealing - but never hurts to be a little cautious).

This is the biggest bunch of bullshit that keeps getting perpetuated!!!!:angrysoapbox_sml:

Great ideas are a dime a dozen- Execution is what sets you apart!

Great ideas aren't worth crap if you don't enact them and hustle and do your best. Got competition? GREAT!!!!

Give me a field with lots of competition and I show you a field were a TON of money can be made. Oh, you are afraid of competition? I guess you are not willing to hustle and 'really' go for it. Go get a real 9-5 job and live with the 'illusion' of security.

Some of the smartest people in this forum are very active on skype or other venues and HELP each other. They very seldom worry about 'outing' ideas and by sharing their ideas they use the synergy of the group to make the original idea even better!

Can't find like minded people? You aren't looking hard enough! Apart from local meetups, skype groups etc.? Go engage with the local chamber of commerce or help out a big time charity. You'd be surprised what kind of like minded people you can find.

Be a leader - put your copywriting skills to good use, create flyers with a time and date for a meetup and hang them out at the local coffee shop, to your local MBA class and anywhere else you can think off.

Have you attempted to create a meetup of WF guys in your local city? Well, we just had one in the DFW metroplex. Guess what, from all the people here only 4 guys showed up. But these four guys shared ideas freely and are helping each other succeed.

Help folks that you think could use the help. You'd be surprised what comes back to you...

Be active and ENGAGE - more importantly CONTRIBUTE and SHARE!!!!!
I bitched about this in my 2000 posts thread. It is what it is - my solution has been a small network of people to lean on from WickedFire. I have no shame in admitting it to anyone either - I got online friends. Fucken sue me.

So you guys really are all into the meetup202 thing?

Maybe I should join. Because I do like to meet people IRL who are attacking the dream. There's just a lot of self-claimed entrepreneurs who just don't "get it"... They just so often tend to disappoint me.

Either they're "idea chasers", ADHD people with no vision (I'm def more cool with this out of young people), or keyboard jockeys that don't do shit. But, I probably should go to more meetings because I could meet SOME people.

My one friend said it best after I went to this meeting that was full of foreigners looking for a get rich quick scheme who knew NOTHING: "Dude, REAL entrepreneurs are too busy hustling than to go to some lame meetup". I think he's a bit right. You'll see a lot of hustlers don't want to go to ASW for that reason too.

I'm the ONLY entrepreneur within my family and it really sucks big time if even none of my friends are in to this business or even can understand the shit. They are like how do you get paid? From where you get money? If I don't buy expensive things my neighbors, family guys or friends have no clue what I'm up to.

Welcome to my world, Your_Pal! In my family, my dad and brother are total slowlane 9-5 lifers. They're GOOD at corporate America, so it's cool, but they don't get me.

There was one entrepreneur, a great Uncle (not by blood), and he got wayyy too much investment from the family, promised the world, and sucked ass. It's been going on for like 20 years. I put in $500 when I was 13. Not a big deal to me.

Anyway, I decided to start doing my own thing, I got a LOT of doubt and disbelief. Not what you want from your fucken family. But there was a difference: I will NEVER ask family for money, and I didn't quit my job til I was banking enough and saved enough to fail for a while.

You'll see a curious thing happen. The "it's lonely up top" people already know it. You're going to start dropping words, names, and dollar figures that are not "normal". Close friends who know how long of a process it's taken are cool with that. Other people, though, you need to watch out and not be too much of an ass.

Similarly, other people are going to start saying shit that you find ridiculous. "I could be making 19/hr in 3 years" is a great example.

My buddy bought an 90k Cadillac. He does well working for a big defense contractor out here. The car is nice, but I want to SHAKE him up so bad - DUDE, you just signed yourself up for 10 years of CORPORATE SLAVERY. You cannot TRULY afford this!

But instead, I smile, congratulate him, and laugh inside (and joke to you guys). He doesn't see the world our way. He doesn't understand freedom, and the price it takes to get there.