Anyone ever have problems with copeac?

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Hasalarge Member
Sep 10, 2007
I started up a zip submit campaign earlier today. It's for a $500 American express card through copeac. After sending a lot of traffic with no return, I decide to test the offer out myself. I go to enter my zipcode - then enter my other info, including email etc. and when I submit, I'm redirected to a page that says "This offer has expired" and then redirected again to another offer. - What the hell??? In copeac the expiration date says 2027.

I check my stats - and nothing.

Anyone else have these problems? It really pisses me off to spend money on a campaign, only to later realize this crap.

Am I over reacting? Could this be a script that detects you ip address?

I can't really say anything for Copeac, you might want to ask Mike about whats going on.

However, I had something similar happen today, ended up crappin' out on their end, leads weren't being counted, I caught it and reported it to my AM, and she confirmed it after talking to reps at Stamps.

You gots to monitor ALL of you campaigns.
I started up a zip submit campaign earlier today. It's for a $500 American express card through copeac. After sending a lot of traffic with no return, I decide to test the offer out myself. I go to enter my zipcode - then enter my other info, including email etc. and when I submit, I'm redirected to a page that says "This offer has expired" and then redirected again to another offer. - What the hell??? In copeac the expiration date says 2027.

I check my stats - and nothing.

Anyone else have these problems? It really pisses me off to spend money on a campaign, only to later realize this crap.

Am I over reacting? Could this be a script that detects you ip address?
Most zip offers are SHIT now, and COPEAC knows this but chooses to ignore the fact that merchants are scamming both them & affiliates.

I don't get what's so good about COPEAC, I've just gotten bad service from the merchants they deal with. For instance, I tried running the Kitchen zip/email promotion that ran through - I launched a campaign identical to what I did with another lead gen company a few months back (with a longer, more detailed lead process that included home address & phone #), and the conversion rate with the MPG offer sucked comparitively. I then contacted my AM over at COPEAC, who admitted that they knew there were tracking issues (since COPEAC doesn't have their own confirmation pixel). The site is run by the same company as MPG.

I used to run those offers with pop-ins through PrimaryAds, and always got accurate tracking until about 2 years ago (maybe even older than that) - Then the conversion rate tanked, and I replaced it with another zip/email company whose conversion rate was the same as I had experienced before. Don't remember what company ran those offers, and I don't own the site anymore, so not sure what it's doing today.

Anyone know the company behind the companies mentioned here?
Not the first time I heard about problems with However I can't share the same agreement about Copeac.
I'm pwning that kitchen offer. 0 problems.

I did have issues with another offer though. Sent 130~ people to it on try #1. Try #2 i sent another 17 visitors. Still 0 clicks/impressions/leads my AM and Mike both looked into it and say everything looks in order. But I'm still not getting shit.
you should ask your AM what offers are converting good and which are not. There are some offers in our network that convert less than others, we keep them as a back up offer but we try to steer people to the offers that is going to make everyone more money in the end.
You know I tried to do a campaign on the whole oj thing a couple of days ago, and I got like 140 impressions or something but only 1 lead which I thought was really odd. Why would someone click on my landing page for the 500 dollar gift cert, click on the poll, go to the ad and then not enter in their zip? I asked my copeac AM and he did suggest switching to the "halo" zip or the iphone and maybe he's right. But I just don't see why people would purposely click on the "get a 500 dollar gift cert" if they really wanted an iphone instead.

It's not a biggy for me as PPC is not my thing anyway, I just like to sometimes remind myself of WHY it's not my thing. :D
copeac is a good company that always treats me well. Dont get mad if your offer doesnt convert, just pick a different one
Thanks for the replies - Copeac appears to be on the up & up. So I'm going to try one of the other offers like some here have suggested. I'll keep you posted.
Hm.. the same here. Don't have good exprience with Copeac...

I sent over 300 impression for an offer with 0 lead. Then I switch the same traffic to another offer, it start converse. This is observely a tracking issue, I don't know why Copeac don't take off the offer.

The wrost is that I got banned with no reason or notification, I lost money to my YSM account for a whole day's traffic cause I don't know they turn off my account. After I asked my AM, he said that I spam email to Yahoo email accounts, but I never use email traffic... He said will re-open my account after investigate, but it is still pending for 2 days...

After I read this thread, I think it is possible for the merchant to scam both copeac and me by fake report. Sigh...
you should ask your AM what offers are converting good and which are not. There are some offers in our network that convert less than others, we keep them as a back up offer but we try to steer people to the offers that is going to make everyone more money in the end.
I have to take back my previous comment about bad converting zip/email offers through that one company that seems to run most of them at COPEAC - Picked up a new offer for a new campaign today, and I'm making bank. Converting like I expected it to, and it couldn't be smoother. This offer looks like it goes through a different intermediate network/tracking server, so that could be the key. Guess I'll continue to use you guys after all.
Need to update that Interface

I have been working with Copeac for a little over a month.

The interface is so dated... Mike - when are we going to have better version?
For example - The statistics are very hard to use

My suggestion for what it worth --

Dont even bother inventing anything, just copy the interface from Azzoogle or at least Hydra. :bigear:
this industry is shady as fuck. everybody is lying to and screwing eachother to try to get the edge. at the end of the day, copeac is a pretty decent company in a fucked up industry.

^^^drunk post. the wording might be messed up, but the message behind it is clear.
I have been working with Copeac for a little over a month.

The interface is so dated... Mike - when are we going to have better version?
For example - The statistics are very hard to use

My suggestion for what it worth --

Dont even bother inventing anything, just copy the interface from Azzoogle or at least Hydra. :bigear:

it's directtrack you fuck. you'll see a "better version" when they decide to update their shit (never). the stats aren't "hard to use" they just don't offer very much depth. not a whole lot copeac can do about that.
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