Any panic attack sufferers out there?


Wicked Fire Elite Member
Mar 8, 2010
I'm 33 and my stress level has never been higher. I've been working my buns off writing and managing my two virgin campaigns. The last couple of weeks I've been experiencing some mild chest pain and what I can best describe as being unable to control my heart-rate.

Last night I completely lost control after smoking a little weed with a buddy, who suggested I just needed to let go and relax; a few minutes after smoking, my heart started to beat uncontrollably and felt like it would explode at any time.

I went to the hospital and had an emotional breakdown when the emergency room nurse took my vitals and said everything was borderline normal (even though I felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest!)

As I sat waiting for blood tests and ECG results I began to realize what a downward spiral I've been on (smoking, excessive espresso intake and stress from a rapidly changing life). This attack mimicked the exact warning signs of a heart attack and I thought I was a goner.

I personally have never lost control in my entire life and this was a real eye-opener as to how I will deal with stress from here on in. I'm sure there are hundreds of people on this forum juggling much more than I do on a daily basis -- given the stressful and reclusive nature of our work.

Blah, blah, blah -- just thought I would start a discussion for anyone who may be experiencing panic control issues, or who have suffered through it and found a way to cope.

People who haven't dealt with this can't possibly imagine what it's like to lose control of your body when there is nothing physically wrong, but I hope some of you have some thoughtful advice to add.

Had a minor one years ago that lasted just a few minutes, but about 6 months ago I had a major one and it lasted for hours. Was seriously one of the worst moments I have ever experienced. I too thought I was having a heart attack (similar symptoms to a panic attack). The reason why it happened to me was the night before I had loads of coke on a night out and I later found out that it is a common cause; I guess the balance of booze, smoking and junk food didn't help my case. Don't worry bro, use it as a sign to step up your health (and maybe quit the recreational drugs).:)
I've never experienced a full blown panic attack, but have witnessed many of them. The worst ones are after smoking weed. That's not to say it happens every time they smoke, but it triggers them frequently enough that a pattern is obvious. There are other triggers though. Once you learn what sets your off, you'll be able to minimize them to some degree.
I used to have full-blown panic attacks on a consistent basis. I don't wish it upon anyone.

Got prescribed Xanax with cognitive therapy.. Then Cymbalta + Xanax (just in case of a panic attack).

Now I'm 100% better. Hang in there, man. It's shit when you're going through it, but there are MANY ways to fix it.
I suffered with burnout some years back and know how you're feeling. I suffered with anxiety for a long while after for what appeared to be no apparent reason and almost any number of things would trigger it. I didn't experience any panic attacks or anything of that nature, but certainly felt my life would never be the same again. (To some degree I was right, I never push myself like that again and spend much more time relaxing.)

I took up reading, not business/money/marketing reading, because that wouldn't allow my mind to rest, but decent and engrossing fiction. It allowed my body to recoup and while I was reading I was often in a relaxed state. It didn't happen that way at first, reading seemed to sometimes increase my anxiety, because it was like I felt I should be doing something productive I think. But after a time, coupled with a 2 weeks of laying in late as fuck, everything slowly came back to normal.
I had them for years and years, got prescribed pretty much every pill out but hated all of em. I too drink a shitload of caffeine and smoke a lot of weed and found that cutting caffeine levels and not smoking as much helped a lot as well as making sure I got daily exercise and ate well.

I still find myself reverting into old habits and lifestyles and find myself slipping back into feeling like shit until I start eating better, working out and seeing the outside world.

A lot of it was also the pressure I would put on myself about things. I would freak out about anything so much that I refused to make appointments anywhere because I would just sit and have panic attacks about the dumbest thing for days because I knew I had to be somewhere at a certain time.

I've been working on this a lot recently and have realized that shit happens and that I have to be able to get up and walk away from anything at any time. Me sitting there and stressing out about something staring at a screen for 20 minutes lost in thought isn't me working and I know i will be much better off if I just get up and get some fresh air and then go back to it.

If you are bad off go talk to somebody. Some people need meds, some people just need to talk, but it is always about making the first steps to figure out what will work for you.

klonopin wafers were also my good friend for a while during panic attacks
Yep, I have metric shit ton of experience with this... exact same scenario happened to me years ago, almost to the T. (including the weed episode/hospital experience) I can't tell you what will work for you, but here's some bullet points from my own experiences.

Docs/prescriptions made me suicidal.
For me, it was a process to regain normal management of myself.
You need to re-learn how to relax, daily.
Sota instruments Bt-7
Breathing exercises are key... when you feel that particular anxious/panic feeling coming on, take notice of where the feeling begins. Typically it will be in the abdomen some place. You start by identifying those muscles and loosening them, incorporating this into your own breathing exercise until it becomes habitual.
Valarian Root/Relaxation tea combined with meditation/ritual in the evenings
Controlled surroundings/stimuli in your life
Exercise (you HAVE to change your physiology to break your state without drugs in some cases. The fastest way to do that is physically, even if it feels like you can't)
I've never understood panic. It's a thing I've never been affected by, I guess I learned not to take myself or anything around me seriously and as a result this just works out.

I smoked lots of weed and loved it, now I don't and I love it too.
I've never understood panic. It's a thing I've never been affected by, I guess I learned not to take myself or anything around me seriously and as a result this just works out.

I smoked lots of weed and loved it, now I don't and I love it too.

I agree with your fact!
I've gotten mini panic attacks before. Always when I'm falling asleep or waking up. (one even came with an auditory hallucination) I freakin hate them but I look at them as a warning to evaluate shit and make some changes. So I guess it ends up being a positive for me.
Im glad you said waking up and falling asleep.

when im waking up sometimes it feels like im having a heart attack and cant move and every fucking doctor I have been to said they have no clue what it is and shrugs it off ( about 7 now )
i started getting panic attacks from smoking too much weed. sometimes it would feel like my heart was going to stop or something so i'd jump out of my chair. thought it might have been poor blood circulation to my legs from sitting down too long, so i was standing at the computer instead of sitting for a few weeks, but it happened even then. finally realized it was the weed. part of the reason i don't smoke it anymore. maybe try running or cycling... it will at least lower your blood pressure while resting. too much caffeine could be a trigger too.
Go jogging or swimming, get whatever anxiety out of you're system and chill the fuck out. You'll be dead in 50 - 80 years, maybe less, why give a hoot.
Im glad you said waking up and falling asleep.

when im waking up sometimes it feels like im having a heart attack and cant move and every fucking doctor I have been to said they have no clue what it is and shrugs it off ( about 7 now )

I sometimes get all fucked up when I wake up, found out eventually from one doctor that it is because the body surges adrenaline to wake up and get rid of the coma like chemical it releases during sleep (why some people can't move right when they wake up). If the body isn't ready for the wakeup shot then it freaks out and panic attack/heart weirdness.
Getting over this as well.... Need more sun, more exercise, more sleep and less staring at computer, tv and cell phone screens.
I've always been anxious. I had an attack a couple of years ago... I thought I was dying. I was going through a stressful time in my life and I fixed things in my life after the attack. Artificial sweeteners give me heart palpitations which also contributed to the anxiety which lead to the attack.

My suggestion is to remove the stresses in your life, eat right, and exercise.
I sometimes get all fucked up when I wake up, found out eventually from one doctor that it is because the body surges adrenaline to wake up and get rid of the coma like chemical it releases during sleep (why some people can't move right when they wake up). If the body isn't ready for the wakeup shot then it freaks out and panic attack/heart weirdness.

This may be different than what I'm talking about. (or maybe not) but when I was waking up to an alarm, back in the JOB days, that thing would almost give me a heart attack every morning. The sudden adrenaline and panic would actually end up making me nauseated for like a half an hour. Finally, I switched to one of those soothing alarms that slowly and gently wake you up. I've also been blessed with a husband that gets up immediately as soon as his alarm goes off so I never hear it.
i had one when one of my bank accounts i couldnt log into... and the password questions were changed... this was 7 am bank didnt open till 830 am... got there they told me it was just a glitch and my money is safe...

longest 1.5 hours ever