Any panic attack sufferers out there?

Im glad you said waking up and falling asleep.

when im waking up sometimes it feels like im having a heart attack and cant move and every fucking doctor I have been to said they have no clue what it is and shrugs it off ( about 7 now )
Isn't it sleep paralysis? I actually enjoy that feeling. =)

Persistent anxiety can be symptoms of a much larger underlying problem. Trust me I know, and I've been researching this for the past few years.

Lots of mental disorders have comorbid anxiety disorders, but it is heavily associated with mood disorders in particular. It can be OCD, bipolar, depression, etc etc so you might want to get evaluated. Especially if you feel it affects a large aspect of your life.
Is a panic attack when your heart feels as though it's beating literally like 300 BPM and is about to explode out of your chest? I've had that before, first time when I was 13 and also ended up in the ER. They said I was fine, which a cardiologist confirmed. Weird shit, ever since then I've also been super paranoid / uncomfortable about what's going on with my heart.
Supplement can help you big time. But the problem is to find the ones that will work for you. There are a lot of special forums where people have the similar problem. They can help.

The only advice, don't go with drugs! Keep it simple ass possible - use supplements, magnesium, manganese, etc... there hundreds of them. Read people's expirineces and find out what might be what you need than try. Be careful with dosage.

You can check your doc. but usually he will prescribe drug for you... Fast fix, but can have bad sides and not good in long run...
Panic is a common side effect of smoking weed. Want a good laugh? When you and a friend are smoking weed, pretend like you're being attacked by killer bees, and make swatting actions like it's real. The weed just tends to amplify whatever emotion you're feeling at the time.

Some people smoke it, knowing they'll relax and they do. But if you smoke it when you're already feeling a little anxious, then it just amplifies that feeling.

A friend of mine once had me convinced that we were being covered by a swarm of mosquitoes and I ended up scratching half my skin off - hilarious to think about now, but not so fun at the time.
Probably a combination of weed, caffeine and working from home. Whatever you do, just make sure you get help ASAP as these kind of things can spiral very quickly
was going to post this.

sleep paralysis sucks a lot.

Damn, I have experienced this all my life and never knew it had a name.

Often I would sleep on my back and interlock my fingers. Then in my dreams I could not get my hands apart as if I was being restrained. I would wake up flailing like a psycho bastard.

It has not happened in a few years but those episode sucked.

Now I tend to have a vivid dream that my bed is sliding across the room and I wake up with my feet on the floor trying to stop it while holding the bed with the rest of my body.

Needless to say, my wife tends to be less than thrilled when these episodes occur.
I've already thoroughly documented my panic attacks from smoking weed elsewhere here. In a nutshell it's exactly as GreeLee just described. If you're not in the right frame of mind, weed doesn't help you relax, it only amplifies the stresses you've got in your life at that moment.

I was an avid pot smoker for more than 10 years. Rarely a day went by where I didn't have a few hits from the bong or smoke a joint or three, even at work. It was never a problem. Then something snapped one day and what was an enjoyable pastime became a nightmare. I now only occasionally smoke, usually when I'm chilling with friends having a few drinks on holiday or something far far away from any of life's worries and never, ever, in front of the computer.

My advice to you would be to chill out on the weed and caffeine and any other stimulants. Eat right, SLEEP RIGHT, and get some exercise. Even just a brisk walk in the fresh air and sunshine for an hour a day will clear your mind and do you a world of good. Fuck the Xanax, that shit turns you into a zombie and isn't the answer to your long term health.
I suspect that our ancestors, who scratched out a meager living from the land and trades, didn't suffer from anxiety/panic attacks as much as we do. If they did, it is largely undocumented.

Working all day behind a computer ramped up on coffee and Piracetam is not a natural way for us to live. We evolved to work hard at manual labor, and our anxiety issues could be a result of our living in a manner we're not suited for.

Ditto our obesity problems. We are made to eat as much as we can when we encounter food, and our bodies are meant to work it off doing manual labor all day. I doubt many field hands or blacksmiths were fat people.

That said, I just got a therapy session for my own anxiety: I spent 2 hours doing yard work and tired myself out. Doing physical work is therapeutic for me when I feel frustrated behind the computer, which is often. I also don't have to pay someone to do these stupid jobs, I get stuff done, and I burn off lots of calories.

Try taking a break from being a desk jockey and do some $8.50 an hour manual labor. It could help you feel better. ;)