Any interest in an MBA?


Academic "Consultant"
Oct 21, 2010
For all you intrepid self-employed people out there: Is there any interest in the internet marketing community in graduate education?

I just finished three MBA degrees for various clients this year, and it was a pretty great experience. Definitely worth price of admission to learn the financial side (even though most of the management/pop psych classes are bull-shit common sense).

I would assume that self employed people care less about the institution and more about the 'value' of the degree, while people in larger firms look for the big names as a guaranteed salary bump.

A couple regionally accredited schools are offering programs that specialize in internet communication/marketing. Might be a consideration for people trying to transition into the corporate world. If you could get the degree without any work, would you go for it?

I've thought about getting my MBA alot lately.

I have a university degree, but it's in Mechanical Engineering. I'm self-taught when it comes to everything related to internet marketing, website design, programming etc. I sometimes feel inadequete when working with people who have a business background. I wish I had a grasp on some of the fundamentals. At this point in my life though I think the cost of the MBA would be too much. I theoretically could learn most of the material online and through books. I don't know what to do though, I think it would be a great experience...

Most of the people in this industry believe that getting an MBA is only worthwhile if your employer pays for it, or you are planning on climbing the corporate ladder. If you are self employed nobody is going to know you have an MBA anyway.

I'm torn though, even I go to Harvard and get a crazy MBA that costs me 100k and 2 years of my life, that knowledge and experience will pay dividends for the rest of my life. I'm torn, I don't know what to do. I'm interested in these regionally accredited schools you speak of...
been off and on with one, it's actually been fairly valuable to me since I had never taken a single business class.
been off and on with one, it's actually been fairly valuable to me since I had never taken a single business class.

Are you doing a part-time MBA program? Or just taking some business courses?

I know this may sound ridiculous. But I was thinking about the post I made earlier. The only thing stopping me right now is having to pay for an entire program. I would rather just pick and choose a few courses I find interesting. Couldn't I just sit in the lectures for free? I could even buy the textbook and do the homework if I see fit. What's the point of paying $600 for a macroeconomics course? Why not just sit in the class and learn the material for free. Is this ridiculous?
I'm torn though, even I go to Harvard and get a crazy MBA that costs me 100k and 2 years of my life, that knowledge and experience will pay dividends for the rest of my life. I'm torn, I don't know what to do. I'm interested in these regionally accredited schools you speak of...

I would give half my Kidney for a Harvard MBA. I realized it too late, otherwise I would have started preparing for it long time ago. And I really do envy the Kids who are doing well in IM now... Not sure if they would ever want to, but guys like Ryan Eagle, MGrunin etc should definitely aim for a Harvard MBA.

My next goal is to start a legitimate Multi-Million dollar company, sell it off, and apply for Harvard, only.

Are you doing a part-time MBA program? Or just taking some business courses?

I know this may sound ridiculous. But I was thinking about the post I made earlier. The only thing stopping me right now is having to pay for an entire program. I would rather just pick and choose a few courses I find interesting. Couldn't I just sit in the lectures for free? I could even buy the textbook and do the homework if I see fit. What's the point of paying $600 for a macroeconomics course? Why not just sit in the class and learn the material for free. Is this ridiculous?

An MBA is more about the whole classroom experience and the case studies, the assignments and exchange of ideas with a bunch of smart people .. You are either a full time MBA or you are not.
lol.. how many MBA grads do you know actually own and run a successful business?
My next goal is to start a legitimate Multi-Million dollar company, sell it off, and apply for Harvard, only.

An MBA is more about the whole classroom experience and the case studies, the assignments and exchange of ideas with a bunch of smart people .. You are either a full time MBA or you are not.

My goal is the same as yours I believe. I want to be able to make some good money, and then go through the MBA program without the stress of money on my mind. I want to focus fully on the program and what I'm being taught.

EDIT: What do you think of the case method?
My goal is the same as yours I believe. I want to be able to make some good money, and then go through the MBA program without the stress of money on my mind. I want to focus fully on the program and what I'm being taught.

EDIT: What do you think of the case method?

It makes you think, in a real life like situation. And I think that is what a lot of people need to learn. To learn to think.

I have the money, but you just can't get an Admit in HBS unless you have done exceptionally well in what you have been doing. Slinging berries and spamming google exceptionally well won't appear too well on my resume :)
I started a bit late... Wasted away much of my youth, even though I don't regret a bit, as I had a good time.
I have the money, but you just can't get an Admit in HBS unless you have done exceptionally well in what you have been doing. Slinging berries and spamming google exceptionally well won't appear too well on my resume :)

Have you tried applying? I'm sure you could get in. Don't discredit what you do. I'm sure you can make it sound very sophisticated in your application.
Have you tried applying? I'm sure you could get in. Don't discredit what you do. I'm sure you can make it sound very sophisticated in your application.

I have studied the HARVARD Admit process very well. I follow all the MBA bloggers.. I may get into a Duke, or even Sloan.. But Wharton, Stanford, Harvard will be difficult. Harvard looks at a lot of soft parameters. And Harvard is my dream. Some people won't understand... It is the dream of both myself and my wife. I am preparing myself for it.. Even then I am not sure. But I do know that a VC funded start-up could be a ticket.
I have studied the HARVARD Admit process very well. I follow all the MBA bloggers.. I may get into a Duke, or even Sloan.. But Wharton, Stanford, Harvard will be difficult. Harvard looks at a lot of soft parameters. And Harvard is my dream. Some people won't understand... It is the dream of both myself and my wife. I am preparing myself for it.. Even then I am not sure. But I do know that a VC funded start-up could be a ticket.

I hear you :)

Harvard is definitely the holy grail for me as well. Once accepted would you take all entrepreneurship electives? Or would you try to be more well-rounded? After completing your MBA would you look for a job in the corporate world or continue starting your own ventures?

What's your opinion on the Entrepreneurship MBA at Babson College? It has been #1 for Entrepreneurship focused MBA programs for the last 19 years. I would love to hear what you think. Also, can you recommend me some good MBA bloggers to follow? Thanks!
I will try to be more rounded. MBA in entrepreneurship is something I am not very enthusiastic about. You can't actually teach entrepreneurship, but that is only my opinion..

After MBA or even if I don't go for it, in 3 years, I plan to go full time into some social initiative...

PMed you the blogs.
Am I missing something here? No offence to anyone, but it seems like you guys are basically saying you're already one foot in at Harvard. Have you guys forgot how difficult it is to get into Harvard? I believe the admission rate at the Harvard Business School is around 11%.

Again, not putting any of you guys down, but just being realistic. I just finished up at community college, kept a pretty damn good GPA and have somenice extra curricular stuff, but I have not even bothered applying to schools like Harvard, Brown, etc..

I do realize our situations are a bit different though, as it seems like a few of you already have undergraduate degrees. But even then, last I checked, Harvard is close to impossible to get into.
Why would you do this?

I have a Business degree and a Masters degree in Marketing (basically MBA focused on marketing) and sure it was fun but not as much fun as making money. If I had my time again I would definitely find a way to shadow a successful entrepreneur for a year or two rather than spending god knows how much money and 6.5 years of my life in biz school, spread over a ten year period.

The MA turned me into a corporate clone and opened some job interviews, but I pretty soon discovered that I did not want to be that sort of person.

MBAs give you a bunch of corporate skills but I think it's a really dated approach to development.

Just sayin'.
I'm almost done with a part-time mba. Not Harvard but not the U of Pheonix either.

I had a computer science degree and strong software background and I really didn't know what I didn't know about business prior the the mba. That said, only the first half of it was useful and most of the people in the program just want safe middle management drone type jobs.

Now that I am near the end of the program it is a burden. I'd rather be spending the time making money or with my kids.