Any beef jerky eaters here?

Damn YOU. I live outside Louisville and this shit is EVERYWHERE in KY.

When did you move and wear did you live?

lol.. I moved to south carolina in Jan. I'm from lexington.

didn't really care for mingua bro's much as a kid, but it kinda grew on me after awhile..
Thanks for the tip. Im not sure its WI's best but I will give it a try and report back. Think I might go pick some up today. Hard to believe this guys shop is like 20 minutes from my house and hes so famous I have never heard of his jerky.

Alot of bars and convenience stores in the FDL area carry it. O'daveys pub, I know has it for sure.
+1. Either make it yourself, find a quality boutique product (sans sodium nitrate), or pass.

The mass produced stuff is loaded with sodium nitrate, a human carcinogen known to cause DNA damage and increased cellular degeneration. By eating this trash you’ll speed up aging and increase your risk for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and Parkinson’s.

That goes for anything that's dehydrated. I check the labels on everything now for that shit.
OK, I'm intrigued and would like to make my own, but what would give a better finished product; a dehydrator or a smoker?

A smoker like this Bradley Smoker, Black BTIS1

vs a dehydrator like Ben just posted... similar price point. How would the end product compare? The smoker seems like it would be a bit more versatile for cooking other meats but I could get down on dehydrating other stuff too.

Big John’s has a jerky sale going on until June 14th - 1 1/2 lbs for $27.95.

They buried the nutritional info under “customer service”, so I made mistake of buying jerky with sodium nitrate. BBQ flavour also has MSG!

Can’t always follow your own advice it seems. :rasta: has some very tasty black pepper beef and black pepper buffalo a little pricey but worth it. Their teriyaki turkey/beef isnt very good.