Any beef jerky eaters here?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I find the stuff to be totally addictive. Last couple times I bought Buffalo Bills brand. Any recommendations on some really good jerkey?

Learn to make it if you can, so much better than store-bought stuff and you can try different things and figure out what you like the best. My future father-in-law makes deer jerky that's probably my favorite food ever in the history of stuff people could eat.
Muskoka Meats = A must for any Canadians who pass through that area every once in a while. Their jerky + pepperoni sticks are top notch, though expensive.
ha yeah i'm a big fan to. i always have a tub of pepperoni sticks and jerky on my desk much to the dismay of the gf. I usually just get the cheap highly processed stuff but once in awhile i'll get up the energy and go down to the local butcher and buy a bunch of fresh stuff.
you need to eat the real shit... not the fake slimjim or jacklinks crap people call beef jerky.

you need stuff that looks like this.


best kind of jerky.
you need to eat the real shit...

+1. Either make it yourself, find a quality boutique product (sans sodium nitrate), or pass.

The mass produced stuff is loaded with sodium nitrate, a human carcinogen known to cause DNA damage and increased cellular degeneration. By eating this trash you’ll speed up aging and increase your risk for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and Parkinson’s.
+1. Either make it yourself, find a quality boutique product (sans sodium nitrate), or pass.

The mass produced stuff is loaded with sodium nitrate, a human carcinogen known to cause DNA damage and increased cellular degeneration. By eating this trash you’ll speed up aging and increase your risk for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and Parkinson’s.

Wow, didn't even think that stuff would have sodium nitrate in it. got any recommendations on those boutique companies that make it without the poison?
how are you guys making it yourself

I don't make it myself, but my friends who do use food dehydrators.

[ame=] Nesco FD-75PR 700-Watt Food Dehydrator: Kitchen & Dining[/ame]

There are a ton of recipes for different seasonings, etc. to use.
Learn to make it if you can, so much better than store-bought stuff and you can try different things and figure out what you like the best. My future father-in-law makes deer jerky that's probably my favorite food ever in the history of stuff people could eat.
QFT, deer jerky is so much better.