another shooting

give everyone a toothpick and a rubber band.

whoever comes up with a way to kill someone with that effectively and get away with it - totally justified.
So... All you guys would rather not have a gun if you found yourself in a situation where some crazy fucker is blasting at random people?

I'm not sure of the perfect solution, but a crazy fucker will always find a way to be a crazy fucker and me, personally, if they got em, I want em too.
Violence to combat violence. Sounds legit.

Well agreed. Violence upon innocent people is never a fair battle.

So... All you guys would rather not have a gun if you found yourself in a situation where some crazy fucker is blasting at random people?

I'm not sure of the perfect solution, but a crazy fucker will always find a way to be a crazy fucker and me, personally, if they got em, I want em too.

That's my point exactly... Crazy people will continue to get guns, regardless of limiting them in sales. Limiting sales only prevents good people from getting them. Furthermore, the possibility of others being strapped might make the killers think twice before poppin shots off imo
Remember in Nazi Germany when certain people weren't allowed to have guns and..

Ah forget it, everybody dance!

Getting a ccw this week after this shit + also being nearly mauled by a rottweiler while on a run. The libtard fuckfaces who want to remain unarmed, awesome, let nature weed out the mentally deficient.
Getting a ccw this week after this shit + also being nearly mauled by a rottweiler while on a run. The libtard fuckfaces who want to remain unarmed, awesome, let nature weed out the mentally deficient.

Sounds good, let me know how hard it was to get. What state are you in? I know it's extremely hard here in commiefornia. Was considering moving to arizona.. They had a site dedicated to it though, but yet to look into it (California Concealed Weapon (CCW) Forum). Wish you the best of luck in getting it tho
Sounds good, let me know how hard it was to get. What state are you in? I know it's extremely hard here in commiefornia. Was considering moving to arizona.. They had a site dedicated to it though, but yet to look into it (California Concealed Weapon (CCW) Forum). Wish you the best of luck in getting it tho

Ohio.. My dad got one a few years ago after being robbed. Didn't act like it was hard. My record is clean so, I can't imagine why I wouldn't be able to get one.
Met the guy that does CCW classes in my area on Friday. Dude makes all these gas powered replica guns for movies and shit... pretty cool stuff. Turns out, he's been paying Go Daddy like $300 every few months just to have analytics on his site or something? That didn't sound right to me, but that's what he said.. either way, I told him I'd hook him if he hooks me up. Packin heat niggas.

But I'm in Arkansas, everybody has guns in their 4x4s here, and that's the way I like it. People know that every other redneck is packing, no fucking thugs robbing me as I walk down the street at 3 am, isn't even a concern. Up until recently the cops didn't even bother you for not having a CCW, but i guess some higher up is putting pressure on em bc they're cracking down on it now. The rednecks are super pissed about it too.
give everyone a toothpick and a rubber band.

whoever comes up with a way to kill someone with that effectively and get away with it - totally justified.

I can kill you with some paper, tooth paste, piss, and a little shit so I'm guessing I can kill you with a toothpick.

Soak the toothpick in shit and piss for a couple of days. Take it out and let it dry. You then stab someone in the neck with it. The piss and shit will cause an infection pretty quick in the location it entered the body. If it's not treated correctly you'll die.
Ohio.. My dad got one a few years ago after being robbed. Didn't act like it was hard. My record is clean so, I can't imagine why I wouldn't be able to get one.

Yeah... California though is a really fucked up gun controlled state. There extremely hard to obtain here, sucks.