Another firearms thread....

I just shot a Barrett M107 today. Forget the tommy gun, I think this is the next thing I get.

if you dont know, fires a 12.7×99mm and has an effective range of 2k yards.. yes 2k, although you will need some Kentucky Windage to be able to hit something more then 1k yards generally.

Pics or it didnt happen ;)
FTW!! FPS Russia with a full auto Glock 17 (conversion obviously) and fucking Beta mags!

[ame=]‪Glock 17 Explosive Ammo!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]



How big do my pants need to be to concealed carry this shit?
There's been a couple of this guy's vids posted here before. I just watched this one haven't seen it here...appropriate to this thread, I think.

[ame=]Big Wet Jugs - YouTube[/ame]
LOL! Love FPS Russia's videos! That guy cracks me up

44 magnum vs. 1 gallon jug of pigs blood. Nasty!

[ame=]Commando and Hitmarkers in Real LIfe - YouTube[/ame]
they didn't even see it coming haha

[ame=].577 T-Rex go BOOM - YouTube[/ame]