American Media...

all news/media is shit and doesn't matter. it's really not worth arguing whether one piece of shit stinks more than another.

Weren't the French media chasing Princess Diana when she died? :(

And Pranith, you seem like a super cool man and deserve to live the rest of your life without anyone calling you Fucker.
Has the original point been missed? Yes, the video is incredibly stupid. The First Amendment allows for people to make stupid music videos. It also allows the negative, hilarious comments and the newscaster to report on it.

The bigger issue is why is this newsworthy?

Rebecca Black apparently wanted to be famous, and she is now- for 15 minutes. In a month everyone will be on to the next thing. Black milks this, the news milks her, and then the cycle begins again.
I'm not French, thank God. However, thank God even more I'm not a dumbass ignorant American.

France has won more wars than any other European country in history. A fuck more than America has even considered, let alone engaged.

You may not look too kindly upon the French cos someone described them as "cheese-eating surrender monkeys"... funny, hell yes... but they kick your ass in being a military strategic powerhouse. Think Napeoloen.

WW2. France. Surrendered. They had fought WW1 and lost half their men. USA did fuck all in WW1, comparitively. You deal with a nation that had been geared towards war for the last 10 years, whilst trying to build back your own military. E-fucking-xactly. You fucking fold. You have NO resources.

Uninformed Americans: Please, do shut up.

Very few of you will be able to muster an intelligent response. If in doubt, don't. Allow room for the truely informed and intelligent to comment. So fuck you.

So where you from mystery tough guy? Up to this point you come across nothing but a twat.

If it weren't for the U.S., in WWI France would've gotten their asses kicked. Since you are such a student of history you surely know that their entire Army walked away from the front lines and only be the grace of God, the Germans did not figure that out.

It was the American's who turned the tide of the war quickly and if it wasn't for Pershing the German's would have won shortly thereafter. Foch would have simply wasted American manpower and gotten more people killed. There was a reason the Germans were shelling Paris at the time. However, I'm sure your brilliant mind will present to me, evidence to the contrary.

Since the United States are a relatively new country, it's kind of 'odd' trying to compare the two. However, if you just want to take the last 235 years I'll play.

Let's see - Algerian War? France Lost, Indochina/Vietnam? oops got castrated, WW2? Got their asses handed to them, WW1? Got their asses saved by Pershing, Franco Prussian War? oops lost again and helped form the country of 'Germany', in between that they had a good thing going with some colonies if it weren't for those dorn British. Oh, the dude Napoleon you are raving about? Didn't get he get his ass kicked as well?

However, since you are wanting to compare penis sizes here... what exactly is the reporter suppose to ask her?

"Oh, look how pretty your nails are?"

She gave her a 'tough' interview - I personally blame the parents for a) putting the video out there and not protecting their daughter better, b) not controlling the interview - what questions are good to go, which are not, c) putting their daughter out there like that.

I think you mean well - but dude, if you are just coming here to piss in the pool, stay the fuck out.
How the fuck did this thread become a France-bash? BTW, our American media does suck.
How the fuck did this thread become a France-bash? BTW, our American media does suck.

All media suck, thats how they make money, dont have a story, create one. It is like that in every country.

Name me one country where its media dont suck...
you cannot fuck anyone here, it hurts me and not right place to fuck this is internet marketing forum where we make rupees online and offer our great services to the peoples of the internet.

srs: US Media truly is a joke, the bullshit that they spew out every single day just makes me lose faith in Americans and humanity. Just try watching CNN and then watch Al-Jazeera and you'll see what an absolute laugh American media is.
If anything, facing those kinds of comments while achieving a big success will teach her a lot of maturity at a young age. She'll grow up understanding the nature of hysteria and herd mentality, something most people don't really understand. When you understand it, the world looks completely different.

I find the song very annoying but I also can't turn the video off when I see it. A lot of us can learn something about marketing from this. This is an independently produced song hitting the top 40 (will probably hit top 10) based on a viral video. This is awesome.
you cannot fuck anyone here, it hurts me and not right place to fuck this is internet marketing forum where we make rupees online and offer our great services to the peoples of the internet.

srs: US Media truly is a joke, the bullshit that they spew out every single day just makes me lose faith in Americans and humanity. Just try watching CNN and then watch Al-Jazeera and you'll see what an absolute laugh American media is.

This is obvious and anybody with two brain cells knows it. 9999999 is on the money on this but the lols are priceless in this thread.
You are correct, I tried to tell him not ot clal members as fuckers but he didn't.

This is obvious and anybody with two brain cells knows it. 9999999 is on the money on this but the lols are priceless in this thread.