American Media...

boo fucking hoo dude. I can only hope it's the alcohol making you an emo bitch and not your normal personality.

Emo bitch, you dysmorphic ugly bastard? Maybe the booze is causing this rage. However, how do you explain 1,752 posts on an internet forum you fucking loser.

Don't cry.
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EDIT : Why the fuck are you ranking on dreamache? He's a cool guy. Now if you don't mind -- gtfo.
Emo bitch, you dysmorphic ugly bastard? Maybe the booze is causing this rage. However, how do you explain 1,752 posts on an internet forum you fucking loser.

Don't cry.
so not only does alcohol make you a whiney bitch, but it also renders you borderline retarded? because less than 1 post a day over 5 yrs is so time consuming.

I can see letting loose and trolling while drunk, but if you have an IQ of less than 52, you might want to refrain.
I think 99999 is grabbing every one attention over the forum by starting this kind of conversion.

Don't know which country he's from.

Nice way of marketing.

EDIT : Why the fuck are you ranking on dreamache? He's a cool guy. Now if you don't mind -- gtfo.

You. You just a post whore. You have added nothing. Not even one useful post. How many posts have you made?
i don't watch the news. rebecca who? but yea... americans are retarded. what else is new? capitalize on it.
so not only does alcohol make you a whiney bitch, but it also renders you borderline retarded? because less than 1 post a day over 5 yrs is so time consuming.

I can see letting loose and trolling while drunk, but if you have an IQ of less than 52, you might want to refrain.

It's quite evident I do not posses an IQ of 52.... or is it? I'm here, talking to your poor ass. Shit.

World's worst song is net sensation | The Sun |Features


PBS would be the closest comparison to BBC, not Good Morning America.

Search results reveal BBC's site having over 60 news articles with Charlie Sheen (an American, duh) while PBS News only has one.


SUn =/= BBC

BBC having 60 articles on Chalrie Sheen = look at that international movie and network television star, who commands $2 million a show, spout a load of contraversal news-worthy diatribe.

Your point?
Fuck, the USA is a marketers' dream. It's an experiment how capatilists can entrench themselves completely into a society, with the government doing most of the moves on big businesses behalf.
well, you can either be a part of it, or you can just whine and bitch like 99% of people do... including yourself.
well, you can either be a part of it, or you can just whine and bitch like 99% of people do... including yourself.

Oh believe me sunshine, I have profited hard from the stupidity of many nations, not just the USA. God bless Google Translate.

However, making a 13 year old recite comments asking her to die I think is perhaps an all time low in morning televsion... in any fucking country. You're all arguing against me... but again, your stupidness is stopping you from seeing why your dumbass even entered this thread.

Oh, I'm sorry! I call shit how I see it. I bring up 13 year old girl abuse, you bring up France.. I then tear you a new asshole and you don't recover. Go fuck yourself, assholes. Your poor and unhappy with your lives. Hiccup.

And Moxiee, You have not got it. The BBC did not elicit opinions to her own death from her. Now shut up.
Hi 99999,

Don't know which country you are from?

Do yo have any mannerce??. If, you are from my country India you would have respect to Senior members fo the forum

You fucker cresting all the hell in the WF forum, which is quite good enough in Internet marketing discussions.

You are just spoiling WF quality.

Oh believe me sunshine, I have profited hard from the stupidity of many nations, not just the USA. God bless Google Translate.

However, making a 13 year old recite comments asking her to die I think is perhaps an all time low in morning televsion... in any fucking country. You're all arguing against me... but gaain, your stupidness is stopping you from eeeing why your dumbass even entered thuis thread.

Oh, I'm sorry! I call shit how I see it. I bring up 13 year old girl abuse, you bring up France.. I then tear you a new asshole and you don't recover. Go fuck yourself, assholes. Your poor and unhappy with your lives. Hiccup.
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