American Media...


New member
Mar 7, 2011
You really are the worst in the world. Seriously, I have travelled to dozens of countries and yours' is both the best at marketing and the most deficient in worth:!5783433/the-internet-made-rebecca-black-cry

It's a 13 year old girl. Do you really need to be reading Youtube comments to her, you thinning-lip childless career-obsessed cunt.

I despise all this furow the media has generated around this girl. Let the adults around her milk her dollars for her. Don't be implying Youtube comments mean shit.

Fuck, the USA is a marketers' dream. It's an experiment how capatilists can entrench themselves completely into a society, with the government doing most of the moves on big businesses behalf. What beggars belief is that the USA credits CNN with being a credible news source. WTF! Have none of you heard of the BBC?

The occasional visits I take there, JHC. The adverts for pharmaceuticals made me literally jaw-drop.

I'm waiting till the RFID chips are readily accepted to protect your babies from pedophiles.

Note: I am drunk. Sober, I still believe America is totally fucked. Travel, sunshine. Travel will open your eyes.

Reply to Ameri-fags: Go eat some cheese and masturbate, you fat cunt.
Who gives a fuck what you think? Oh yeah no one.

You cared because it caused you comment.

If that causes you to question yourself, bear this in mind: you're a fucking idiot with little grasp of logic.

She got her rich parents to pay money so that she could think she was a superstar.

What did she think being a superstar would be like?

Somebody who is paying money to try to pretend they are a celebrity is fair game to get made fun of especially since that is what people do to celebrities.
She got her rich parents to pay money so that she could think she was a superstar.

What did she think being a superstar would be like?

Somebody who is paying money to try to pretend they are a celebrity is fair game to get made fun of especially since that is what people do to celebrities.

I do not see standards slip so much that any other country would ask a child such questions. Can you honestly not see the drama-bating used by that female reporter upon the 13 year old?
Ah the French, the one nation with something to say but nothing to back it up with. To me, and sorry if this comes out wrong but the French are very wasp-y, they buzz about and sting people but ultimately a can of deodrant will destroy them.

I'm not French, thank God. However, thank God even more I'm not a dumbass ignorant American.

France has won more wars than any other European country in history. A fuck more than America has even considered, let alone engaged.

You may not look too kindly upon the French cos someone described them as "cheese-eating surrender monkeys"... funny, hell yes... but they kick your ass in being a military strategic powerhouse. Think Napeoloen.

WW2. France. Surrendered. They had fought WW1 and lost half their men. USA did fuck all in WW1, comparitively. You deal with a nation that had been geared towards war for the last 10 years, whilst trying to build back your own military. E-fucking-xactly. You fucking fold. You have NO resources.

Uninformed Americans: Please, do shut up.

Very few of you will be able to muster an intelligent response. If in doubt, don't. Allow room for the truely informed and intelligent to comment. So fuck you.
boo fucking hoo dude. I can only hope it's the alcohol making you an emo bitch and not your normal personality.
She's 39, I think, on Itunes. Her parents are laughing all the way to the bank. Wonder how hard they're banking . . . .