Am I Being Logical? To Fly Or Drive...

Drive. It's cheaper and relaxing. But I do second the person earlier who recommended you not split it into 2 days. Leave early, 3am-4am, and drive all the way through. You and your wife can switch off driving/sleeping.

If you're wife really is so impatient to bitch over a car ride versus plane ride (which includes the security checkpoint nightmare) then roll her a blunt and tell her to smoke it and stfu. (and roll one for yourself in case she doesn't stfu)

See if you can get a direct flight to Ft Lauderdale. It's a much bigger airport and fairly close to WPB.
Having a 4yr old and considering we have only flown, I can't imagine driving for any of our trip back home...home equals WI and Brazil.

It's hard enough with a lil one flying, much less driving for a shitload of hours. fly
My wife of course thinks I'm a fucking idiot for wanting to drive and wanted me to make a post on here to see if people would flame me for wanting to drive.

lolwat? your wife wanted you to post on w/f about whether or not you're right in this argument?
[insert marriage_counselor.jpg here]

First of all, to save aggravation of a one year old being strapped in a carseat for 19+ hours and crying and having to stop very frequently to change diapers - Flying is the right option. Also, to save yourself from a bitching wife for the whole car ride down there. Fly and no bitching, or hear bitching for a long way down there? It will be a long drive.

... and judging by the way you responded, i take it this is your wife, responding on WF and threatening to bitch extra lots if you make her ride in the car?

Listen woman, the drive is going to be split into 2 days. You are implying we will be driving straight through. At least we will be pulling the car over if there's a little fuss. I'd really like to see you have Alanna sitting on your lap for almost 3 hours when she can barely sit on our laps for 2 minutes at home without wanting to get down.

so you're arguing with each other here on this board, using other people's offhanded and very partial advice as your ammunition? this shit just got a little too real for me, i'm gonna take some time off wickedfire and breathe fresh air today.

Driving with kids long distance will take you forever. Plan on at least 3x as many stops as you expect, and plan on 3x as much crying as you expect.
Then double that.
Then listen to wife say I told you so the rest of the trip.

Then do it all over again on the way home.
How about you fuck-start her head for arguing with you over something so retarded in the first place, then leave her and the kid at home while you drive wherever you want to go?
To fly or not to fly?

The real issue here is how your 1 year old will be on the plane. What's his/her temperament? Is he/she colicky? Does he/she stay awake most hours of the day and barely nap, and fuss a lot? Or is he/she the type to just fall asleep and not wake up on schedule?

Bottom line is if there is ANY possibility your child is going to be screaming and restless on a plane, you and your wife will be so uncomfortable that hour and a half will feel like 5 hours and you'll be more stressed than had you driven. And then you get to look forward to the flight home.

You could give your child some cough syrup before the flight to get them to be woozy and sleep, I've known some parents with colicky babies who've done it and said it was a life saver.
driving from connecticut to florida was an absolute nightmare. i would fly to ft. lauderdale and drive up to wpb...see if there are any cheap flights from wpb or ft. lauderdale to the pensacola area (i've never done it so i don't know if they exist, but worth a shot)

driving really isn't as cool as it sounds. trust me.
Flip a coin. Heads you drive, tails you fly.

So if you win the coinflip your wife can't blame you because it was left to chance. Same thing if your wife wins the coinflip... it's not her fault that the coin landed on tails.
</my idealistic approach to marriage>
Flip a coin. Heads you drive, tails you fly.

So if you win the coinflip your wife can't blame you because it was left to chance. Same thing if your wife wins the coinflip... it's not her fault that the coin landed on tails.
</my idealistic approach to marriage>

I was about to say the exact same thing. Wickedfire can't even agree, flip a mutha fuckin coin. Just make sure both sides are heads so you get to drive.
i agree with your wife, how long is the flight ? u would have to drive 11-12 hrs with ur daughter and in flight its most prolly max 1-2 hrs, you only have to take care of the baby for 2 hrs max even if ur daughter dont get along in the flight properly and in car u would take care of her for 12 hrs , good luck