AI Monies - Official Thread


Gigantic Websites Dot Com
Jul 6, 2007
Yeah, I know the forum is dead. But every once in a while, I think (morbid) curiosity gets old guard folks to drop by and see if anything is going on.

So, just in case there's still intelligent life here... what are you guys doing to rake in that sweet AI $?

I've launched a service through which we create sites with thousands of articles via generative AI (you can find the site under my username and in my avatar, so this is only a halfway-shameless plug). If you want one and PM me, I'll hook you up with better-than-retail pricing like the Black Friday + Cyber Monday specials we have going on now. Or if you know peeps who would be a good fit for this service, send them my way and you'll get a lifetime affiliate commission.

Anyone else doing interesting stuff in the AI space?

Let's keep in touch.

If you PM me your contact details, I'll let you know if I come across opportunities that make sense for whichever business you have and you can do the same.

Good luck bros!

Waddup s-s-skaaank.

I've been meaning to get into the AI blogging space since I saw some guy banking millions on BHW doing it.

Right now I'm blogging the old fashioned way, because AI articles are shit quality - let's be real. Better than an indian, but soulless and dry.
Waddup s-s-skaaank.

I've been meaning to get into the AI blogging space since I saw some guy banking millions on BHW doing it.

Right now I'm blogging the old fashioned way, because AI articles are shit quality - let's be real. Better than an indian, but soulless and dry.

Give it a try with a test project, but be sure to use a premium model!

For ChatGPT, 3.5 is not production-ready IMO, not even for standard "bread and butter" articles. 4 is a 10x larger model, well worth it.

While you don't need the premium model to ask it what the capital of France is or how frequently your car needs an oil change, you do need it if you want to publish a blog that's actually good in my view.

I went into this AI thing as someone who worked with a LOT of writers over the years offering content writing services. So I've seen both worlds and there is no one-size-fits-all answer as to whether or not generative AI is shit.

For some use cases, it is. For some, it's great.

I will say this in terms of cons:

1) For anything academic, it sucks. I have a fucking PhD, so I'm no stranger to research, citation and what not. And even premium models give me the creeps because not only are they bad, they're dangerous. Among other things because, in a double-digit percentage of cases, they literally hallucinate and invent research. Fake paper names, fake author names, you name it

2) For ultra-authoritative articles that require big picture thinking and a healthy dose of emotional intelligence, the type of stuff where you need to spend a day at the beach before you're ready to articulate thoughts, AI also kind of sucks

However, it shines in key areas, so with respect to pros:

1) It's BETTER at grammar than the average native English speaker. Like far, far better. I've used these things until I turned blue in the face. Practically never encountered super-problematic grammar issues. Whereas with human writers, many were sloppy and their output required serious editing

2) It's better than most human writers with respect to regular articles pertaining to super specific/boring topics. An article about the particularities of a certain engine or one about the specifics of this or that piece of legislation. The type of article where human writers oftentimes delivered fluff-filled output, as in articles with a 200-word fluff introduction, a 200-word fluff ending and barely any meat in-between

All in all, for decent content sites and with creative prompt engineering, I'd say AI is pretty damn good right now. So good that I doubt future models, even if they are 5-10x larger, will make much of a difference in terms of output quality.
You raise some good points man, and I'll definitely agree that gpt 4 is much better than the average native speaker. I'd say it's maybe around freshman - sophomore college level in terms of actual grammatical complexity.

By the way, I mean no offense to people whose native language isn't English. I'm just saying, when someone is paying an overseas worker $1/page, gpt-4 is 100X better. For that reason alone, I think it's worth giving it a shot.

Here's my problem. Right now I'm in the health/beauty niche, and I need a very specific type of "voice". I want the articles to flow in a certain way, to come with a bit of experience and knowledge of what a person goes through when using a product, and to have some "personality".

Now, when you ask gpt-4 to produce something like this, it can...but the quality is REALLY sketchy. One day, it can produce fairly reasonable content, the next time, it goes full retard.

I've never been able to get it to produce consistently good results. It seems so.fucking.random.

And then there's the formatting issue. Every article is formatted the same way.

Sure, it writes well - a solid intro that covers what the article will be about, decent meat in the middle, and a good conclusion that summarizes what was talked about. Standard freshman - sophomore writing class stuff.

That's not really what I want. Real people don't write like that (in my niche). They have some variety and peculiarities that speak about what it's like to be a certain kind of person in a niche.

Maybe I'm using chatgpt wrong ($20 a month lol), but I have a problem with it - in my niche anyway.

I have no doubt that the articles it makes, if edited a bit, can rank decently. I'm interested in your services, by the way, I'm just testing waters and trying to get my head around the AI thing.

Yo, it might be worth it for you to just make websites, hold until they rank and start earning, then flip them for 30-50X their monthly net revenue. That's a very decent way to make a huge fortune - fairly quickly....if you have the funds to wait a while as they grow.
Here's my problem. Right now I'm in the health/beauty niche, and I need a very specific type of "voice".

Yep, getting AI models to I guess grow a personality and especially stick to that script consistently (!) is easier said than done.

They're much better at generic stuff, so the aforementioned AI overlords won't be replacing us anytime soon. Like Neil deGrasse Tyson said, these models will essentially ensure humans don't have to spend their time writing boring crap like brochures anymore and can instead pursue more creative (writing) endeavors.

For example, if you're an expert in a certain field, you can hire us to create a site that contains a gazillion generic articles so as to generate search engine traffic (horizontal scaling, so a bit of traffic from each article rather than home runs) and then have a paid section of the site where those who are willing to pay up can interact with you for a more meaningful experience/perspective.
Anyone still in touch with the admins?

Maybe a few of us can get together, buy and relaunch the forum... you might think there's no point trying to revive a dead community but if the price is low enough, why not?

That being stated, keeping forums active is a bit of an uphill battle. I for one don't know of any half-decent IM forums that are let's say as busy as WF used to be back in the day. So it's definitely not something you can do as a one man show. I dunno, just thinking out loud I guess.
Anyone still in touch with the admins?

Maybe a few of us can get together, buy and relaunch the forum... you might think there's no point trying to revive a dead community but if the price is low enough, why not?

That being stated, keeping forums active is a bit of an uphill battle. I for one don't know of any half-decent IM forums that are let's say as busy as WF used to be back in the day. So it's definitely not something you can do as a one man show. I dunno, just thinking out loud I guess.

Or maybe not... :anon.sml:

A damn shame that a place as vibrant as WF used to be went out with a whimper. If any of you are still around and want to get in touch, send an email to build <at> giganticwebsites <dot> com and lemme know what you've been up to over the past few years!
Might as well add WF to the list of places where I shamelessly shill GiganticWebsites for old times' sake.

Also, it's that time of the year, so I've created a discount page dedicated to WickedFire. Will keep it online for 72 hours.

The discounts range from 30% to 50% and can be accessed by clicking HERE.

Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating and if you aren't... well, happy discounts!
Discounts gone, but they shall return next year. Early next year, if you know what I mean!
Depending on where you live, the end of the year is either close or already here: time to celebrate through another round of 30-50% discounts!

The WF page has been activated again and will remain live for another 72 hours.

You can access it by clicking HERE.

Here's to a productive 2024!

But first and foremost, I wish you and those you love good health, we can work on everything else together if that one box is ticked!
Last visit was Jan 21.
nickycakes randomly popped into my head which prompted me to pop in...

I miss this place --> it was a real one.
Is Jon even alive any more?

HNY everyone and may alll the blessings of the world wash upon you....

edit: fak -- joined almost 20 yrs ago :/ :/
Last visit was Jan 21.
nickycakes randomly popped into my head which prompted me to pop in...

I miss this place --> it was a real one.
Is Jon even alive any more?

HNY everyone and may alll the blessings of the world wash upon you....

edit: fak -- joined almost 20 yrs ago :/ :/


A shame that a handful of users and a couple of viagra bots is all there's left of this place...
Quick GiganticWebsites update!

The 30-50% discount page (that you can access by clicking HERE) is now live again but only for one person. First come, first served.

After one individual takes advantage of the discounts, the page will be gone once more. Posting this elsewhere as well, so one person across all platforms, not just WF. Maybe there's enough life left over here to drive some business my way ;)
Quick GiganticWebsites update!

The 30-50% discount page (that you can access by clicking HERE) is now live again but only for one person. First come, first served.

After one individual takes advantage of the discounts, the page will be gone once more. Posting this elsewhere as well, so one person across all platforms, not just WF. Maybe there's enough life left over here to drive some business my way ;)

Time for another 30-50% discount!

The WF discount page (that you can access by clicking HERE) is yet again live until one (!) person places an order.
The offer is no longer available and the discount page has been temporarily removed. Will do our best to offer one discount per week, depending on bandwidth conditions and team sanity :)
Another week, another 30-50% discount!

As usual, click HERE) to be taken to the WF discount page. And yet again as usual, the page in question will be removed after one person takes advantage of the discount.

First come, first served!
The discount is no longer up for grabs :)

Will try to offer another deal next week.
You've guessed it: one more person gets 30% to 50% off this week!

More specifically, the first person who clicks HERE) so as to visit the WickedFire discount page and places an order.

Once that happens, the discount page will once again go dark for a week or so.