Over the next few weeks dont be surprised if you see more guidelines from Us or others in this space.
im about to release my own acai rebill. does anyone have a link to the page with regulations
im about to release my own acai rebill. does anyone have a link to the page with regulations
They should have been in the EU anyway
Why the hell would they process shady shit int he US? I didn't realize it was so easy...
Mike is right. The guys who are uncompliant (don't ask me what the standards are. they keep getting changed) are getting booted. Some have gotten booted but don't know it yet. We are just seeing the beginning of this.
EAdvertising is accepting traffic to the group of offers we have that are compliant as well.
My guess we will see less converting offers and/or reduced payouts, but media costs should lower as well.
Good luck to you all and hopefully you all get paid.
Sorry to be a stickler, but this isn't an example of the tragedy of the commons because there is no commons in the scenario.A perfect example of the tragedy of the commons,
it's $50k fine to the publishers too. Rebills are dead. Thx 4 the marketshare. Kthxbai.
thanks for clearing up a lot of the misinformation.
seems to me, and i could be wrong so don't shoot me or flame me guys.... but one of the reasons why these ppl were hiding terms, continuity, upsells + not canceling is because thats seems to be the only way to make it work from a product owners point.
i think most ppl here are affiliates? (i could be wrong)
you get paid on the trial, we the product owners could easily pay out a TON of cash and end up with nothing. network gets paid, affiliate gets paid.
and with crappy supplements, and scam google products that don't work, ppl aren't going to stay around for long....