Affiliate marketing partnership offer - Get $2,000 For Enlisting A Soldier

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JDA said:
She's Canadian.


8. Oh I had to add this as I just found out something very disturbing. Your Canadian. Enough said. In fact, I just met Norm MacDonald (From SNL, Billy Madison, Etc....) in las vegas during the World Series of Poker. He told me he renounced his Canadian citizenship because your society makes him sick. He even said that after 9/11 he tried to join the US army to go fight the Taliban, but the US Army wouldnt take him because of his age (and probably physical condition). I told him that I want to arrange stand-up shows for him within the Army, much like Bob Hope. He gave me his email and ended up hanging out with me and my friends (one of my friends is a big poker player - this is the reason why he hung out with us; as he is an addicted gambler and was trying to gain any tips he could) till 3 am. He couldn't say enough bad things about how shitty Canadians are. In defense of Canada, I do have a good friend, who is a stand-up guy and a brilliant international businessman. He has traveled the ENTIRE world and has some of the most amazing stories.

kyle, when the world tells you they do not want you in there business but then when the shit hits the fan they come begging and saying we have an obligation to help, so we help.... they then do not like us telling them how to do what needs to be done, or telling them how to spend the money we gave them so sure we are assholes. now if you don't like it you live in san diego, just go get a boat and float your happy ass to china! see how you like that for a while!
chrislingle said:
kyle, when the world tells you they do not want you in there business but then when the shit hits the fan they come begging and saying we have an obligation to help, so we help.... they then do not like us telling them how to do what needs to be done, or telling them how to spend the money we gave them so sure we are assholes. now if you don't like it you live in san diego, just go get a boat and float your happy ass to china! see how you like that for a while!
Look at my first post... I was just getting amusement out of the fact that Americans (I/Me/Us/We) are assholes, I don't have a problem with it.. it's quite entertaining :) .

Most of the time, the world does NOT ask america for help, but you decide to mingle nonetheless.

Please no more comments on this thread regarding God's beloved USA. Are there any affiliateers interested in partnering with me on this. Looking for someone to do high end landing pages in return for a percentage of the business.
katoved said:
8. Oh I had to add this as I just found out something very disturbing. Your Canadian. Enough said. In fact, I just met Norm MacDonald (From SNL, Billy Madison, Etc....) in las vegas during the World Series of Poker. He told me he renounced his Canadian citizenship because your society makes him sick. He even said that after 9/11 he tried to join the US army to go fight the Taliban, but the US Army wouldnt take him because of his age (and probably physical condition). I told him that I want to arrange stand-up shows for him within the Army, much like Bob Hope. He gave me his email and ended up hanging out with me and my friends (one of my friends is a big poker player - this is the reason why he hung out with us; as he is an addicted gambler and was trying to gain any tips he could) till 3 am. He couldn't say enough bad things about how shitty Canadians are. In defense of Canada, I do have a good friend, who is a stand-up guy and a brilliant international businessman. He has traveled the ENTIRE world and has some of the most amazing stories.

Wow, this is the first time I've realised how much of an idiot you are.
You are absolutely right. But, after meeting many Canadians, or people from Minnesota. I have to say, Im not getting a good vibe. Canada should just take Minnesota, I dont want MinnesOOtans here anymore. If I have to hear that annoying accent anymore, Im going to submit a petition to congress to annex that POS state and all their lakes into Canada.
oh man...please don't tell me you own guns...

and btw, saying all canadians have the same accent is like saying all americans have a southern hick gun tottin yeehaww slamminn cowboy accent...ya'll come back now ya 'ere....

I actually prefer the nasal new yorrrrkkka accent..

It's gettin late, time to head back to my igloo before my dogs freeze to death.
Funny. But back to the original intention of my post, anyone interested in partnering with me for this affialite program, please let me know ASAP. I am narrowing down the list of people I might be working with.
katoved said:
This program operates off the fundamental principles of capitalism.
If army recruiting really operates off the fundamental principles of capitalism:

Do affiliates get a "charge back" if the recruit is killed, deserts or committs a war crime?

Where is the bonus system for the affiliate based on the amount of enemies killed by a recruit? How about a free H3 Hummer if your recruit gets a 100 kills?

Are affiliates offered any government protection from the 1989 international convention against the recruitment, use, financing & training of mercenaries? On the basis of the recruits been offered $40,000 to enlist, they actually considered mercenaries. Because a mercenary is a soldier who fights, or engages in warfare primarily for private gain.
There is a fundamental difference between mercenaries and US soldiers that enlist for a $40,000 bonus. No chargebacks, who would do this affialiate program if there were? Besides, it would create more paperwork and operational burden to have to process chargebacks.
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