Affiliate Marketing EPIC Fail Thread


New member
Jan 29, 2011
So I recently fucked up advertising on Facebook. I forgot to put a cap on my daily limit so when I returned to the computer I ended up spending a ton of money on a shitty campaign I was testing.

So this got me thinking all I hear about are the epic wins. Now let's hear about your worse failures in affiliate marketing. It can be anything but it better be damn epic.

So I recently fucked up advertising on Facebook. I forgot to put a cap on my daily limit so when I returned to the computer I ended up spending a ton of money on a shitty campaign I was testing.

So this got me thinking all I hear about are the epic wins. Now let's hear about your worse failures in affiliate marketing. It can be anything but it better be damn epic.

First, I wanna know how much you lost.
17 dollhairs

Pretty damn close but I am very to this whole thing.I know that's not shit, but my buddy lost 500$ to the same thing a day later. With that said, I'm sure there's a few ppc ballers who have effed up and lost some serious monies$$$
changed my targeting on a FB ad and it spent about $1300 in half an hour. It crashed my small vps and I ended up losing around $700 since it did convert a little bit.
that buddy is me bros.

Forgot to put caps anddddd my link wasnt redirecting properly, so i spent about 600 on nothing in like 45 mins. Yay
one time i was testing an offer with a 4.50 cpa... after i spent 1.00 it didnt convert so i shut it down...
Pretty damn close but I am very to this whole thing.I know that's not shit, but my buddy lost 500$ to the same thing a day later. With that said, I'm sure there's a few ppc ballers who have effed up and lost some serious monies$$$

you know the economy is bad when losing $17 is classified as "epic" ...
My worst error was losing 800$ on quality health samples offer on cx last year during a 15minute nap. Was just testing the offer and had my cpc pretty high and very broad targeting. LOL I could never make that offer profit though afterwards anyways.