Affiliate Crumbs


New member
Mar 19, 2010
I am spending $4,000 daily in traffic to make $4,800 back.

Spending 4k daily to make affiliate crumbs. Seems like the paid traffic has been rising because of the holidays so I am stacking them affiliate crumbs now.

24k a month > 95% of WF i would bet (dont forget to save for taxes)

did i miss the point of that post?
Declining every week though.

Got complacent.. I come here and get motivated. Cuz you guys never stop.

Started smoking a lil herb and slacking off while the competition started roasting me up
spending 4k a day to make 4.8k isnt that bad.

I agree its a bit up there, but I know some guys that was spending like 30k a day to make like 31k.

The point is in the profit. If you got 30k a day ( or 4k day ) to float on these buys and your making bank, then I don't see the problem. Some would argue that its a lot to spend to make the $800, but however you gotta hustle is how you gotta hustle.

In reality, your spending 4k to make 4.8k, which is the $800 profit.. but if we assume in some taxes and put you in the highest bracket, then its safe to say about 50% of that is gone for taxes depending on what state you live in and shit.

Bottom line, your making $400 a day which is what some people would kill for in other industries and countries. That's 12k a month which is also 144k a year. You prob wont be running the same campaign in 12 months time, but the fact is your making 3-4x more then the average american and prob. doing jack shit for it ( compared to someone digging ditches, patroling the streets, or cleaning garbage ).

Be happy you can even do it.
So you're making $800 a day? You can do this with SEO and you won't have to spend $4 grand a day to do it :/

Yes, but if you have the extra capital lying around; why not use it to make the extra $800 per day?

SEO is great, but if you have a site that can be ran with PPC, then there's no reason not to make extra profit per day and do both.

Run it until it goes dry and you'll have even more money to use in other campaigns or reinvest into other industries and then you have those SEO rankings to keep a little residual income coming in after you've moved on.