Adiakritos Journal

thanks for the encouragement guys! When I first was directed here I got a bad impression of the community, though with time I guess you start to attract the best of it. =)
I'm glad you guys are taking something from these posts. I hoped it would be of some value.

Next update..
Reading Stylin' with CSS by Charles Wyke-Smith.. Got the book like 3 days ago n I can't sleep feeling that I'm not getting something done lol. Its 1:35 on my friday night and I just wanna absorb as much as I can to start really planning a site and building away.. building a little portfolio and putting it up on elance. Getting paid and spending away with really fuckin cool looking campaigns and landing pages =)

Got myself two affiliate programs on business that seem to be off the chain, although they are more aimed toward starting an online business with my own products rather than doing affiliate marketing, though both are niche marketing...

My outlook with all this, for those who are interested, is that of submitting to practice. To learning to love the mundane along with resolving to do this until I make it.
I got it from this book called Mastery by George Leonard. That mindset really calms be down and keeps me focused without feeling like "FUCKING A I HAVENT MADE A DIME AND ITS BEEN # MONTHS!" it hasn't been three months, and I really think that the quality of the practical knowledge that I get now will be worth more that just a quick buck here or there.

Man, I'm impressed, you're still coming back here and posting when it seems like everyone else has moved on. Dig the perseverance.

If you need any help with coding hit me up and I'll see if I can help out.

thanks man, I'll let you know if anything. =)
A little more than half way done with my CSS book. I'm already thinking about approaching some people who might be interested in hiring me to build them a web page or take on some job I can save and use on my elance profile. I have to remind myself every day of the vision I have to be successful not in just web development but online marketing business.

Its like I've first saturated my head with marketing knowledge, then decided to shift gears and saturate my mind with the technical aspect to learn and earn income...
I have keep that in mind so that I do not spend more time that necessary in this phase. I guess only time will tell.
Go to school instead :)

I am going to school. Though its not my dream to be a psychologist or whatever other profession. There is a ceiling to the amount you can earn, and with it a price tag. I choose to take the risky rout without a ceiling. Its not like I'll end up dead if I run out of money, I live in the land of opportunity, I've got family to take care of me and I've got resolve.
Getting these different basic layout designs down pat. After its moving on to forms and user interface stuff and then meshing it all together. I'm having fun doing this all. I spend the first half of every day of my spring break fucking like an animal, and the second half of every day of spring break learning the stuff thats gonna help me make a ton of cash... not bad for not having walked out my front door in 2 days.
On the last section of my CSS book. now I'm gonna be implementing everything I've learned up until now. Apparently what took me 2 or so days to learn html took me maybe 2 weeks to learn CSS a little more in depth...

I've currently also picked learning hypnosis and next week I'll begin working out. The girlfriend is'nt gonna take more of my time, instead I'm gonna bring into my time doing things that are actually worth doing... Not nearly as much sleeping the middle of my day away.
Felt kind of lost today and yesterday. I get really irritated and slightly depressed when I feel that way.

I realized now the reason I used to dabble at everything I did and feel lost and slightly depressed.

It was because I failed to make a plan out for my life's goals and really immerse myself in that plan, whilst continually reminding myself every day of the vision I have in attaining my goals.

Although those goals, to what I believe, have to be congruent with my true and highest values. Things like using my money to simply create time and opportunities to love people and create the kinds of experiences I want my life to be filled with.
You're over-thinking and under-doing, and if you don't start doing something real (build a webpage, find a niche, start a link building campaign, whatever) you'll just crap out.

Go go go go go gogoogogogogo
That's right brother, persistance is the key to success at anything you do. Best of luck, and never quit.
You're over-thinking and under-doing, and if you don't start doing something real (build a webpage, find a niche, start a link building campaign, whatever) you'll just crap out.

Go go go go go gogoogogogogo

It took me two hours to plan a general map of where I'm at now and where I want to go in a few years.
I feel what your saying and I'll be doing just that.. as soon as I can have some income doing something. at that point I can spend freely and just GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOG which is what I can't wait to do!!

I simply wanted to have a way to track my progress to see if I'm moving toward or surpassing my set goals and how quickly I am doing it.
Finished reading and working in the book. Time to start building for people and make some monamonamonay!
I'm really starting to harness the time I've got available to me. Never really took to the time necessary to Determine how much time my days would require MAXimum to progress in school and work WHILE having time to let my body and mind rest.

So I split my week into even days (Mon Wed Fri = 'A' Day's & Tues Thrus Sat = 'B' days)
I figured how much time I have available and how much time I require Maximum.

The hard part is sticking to it and not compromising! Thats FUCKING HARD at early in the morning. I'll get used to it.
I cannot sleep because I just conceived a plan to give people MASSIVE amounts of value, something that I can put together to really TRANSFORM their lives for the better. I will immediately take action by developing my plan and taking action to put it in motion!
I cannot sleep because I just conceived a plan to give people MASSIVE amounts of value, something that I can put together to really TRANSFORM their lives for the better. I will immediately take action by developing my plan and taking action to put it in motion!
These ideas come all the time(especially when you're trying to sleep), don't get too distracted and make sure you conentrate on one thing at a time.
I cannot sleep because I just conceived a plan to give people MASSIVE amounts of value, something that I can put together to really TRANSFORM their lives for the better. I will immediately take action by developing my plan and taking action to put it in motion!

If I had a dollar for every....

I feel you brother, sometimes the mind refuses to sleep. I keep a notebook and write down the ideas that come as I try to get some rest... so I can get some rest.

This has been a cool thread to read, great to see your still keeping up with it, 99.9% of these type of threads die within a week.

Keep kicking ass bro, best of luck to ya.
Thanks guys =)
Yeah I gotta stick to one project at a time. Its a bit difficult since this one resonates with me more deeply than the others..

I dont want to spread myself to thin. The point here is to make the money... Though I really want it to be about helping people.

I suppose the best thing for me to do right now is work on the shit thats worth my money each hour I work at it and not on distractions.. I'll infuse that desire to help people in whatever it is I'm doing anyways so the fire wont stop burning.
Making criteria list of stores to approach about designing them a site. Dont really know how its all going to work out.. so I'm figuring that out too lol
Ok, I gotta break this shit down some more! I gotta know.. what can I offer at this point... what the client wants... and how much it is worth.
learning how to make a legal contract...

thats pretty much all that I'm aware of that I have to be aware of so far.. I dont know what else to look out for yet.