Adiakritos Journal


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Someone else here made a public journal and it seems to be a solid idea for gaining feedback and advice, helping other noobs like me, and for organizing my thoughts ideas and tasks.

I'm in my 2nd semester my freshman year in college, I'm 19, and I know how to start with nothing and go to creating a blog on wordpress using downloaded themes from the internet and tracking each post with prosper, even though it fucks my theme up a bit.

My goal is to make $600 dollars a day in 6 months and I'm nearly a month behind. So its now 5 months to make that much.

I hadn't realized the importance of researching and planning before moving into the creation stage of my first campaign though I suppose thats the lesson I've learned for wasting my time and hacking around.

I've never created a web page before and so in order to learn I did a 2 week subscription at PPC-Coach for $1 that showed me how to start from scratch.

I'm currently running a wordpress blog on Hostgator that has about 12 different blogs posts ( I discovered I had no idea why I was doing this and that thats way to many to keep up with )

I'm running only one type of offer and one picture on each blog post

I've practiced creating keywords, ad groups

I'm using ads4dough as my Affiliate network

I'm using MSN as my search network

I'm willing to spend $400 total in keyword optimization

Iv'e set up tracking already (took forevvvver)

My current questions are:

How am I going to split test for one of my chosen blogs posts or page?

what is a CMS or WCMS

What tools can I use to have great ease and speed in creating or changing nearly every aspect of my ad groups, keywords, webpages.. ect

Should I pick up a book or two on marketing and niche marketing since I dont know much about it anyways, I'm not aware of to many key concepts on marketing in and of its self.

cms= content management system. Wordpress is a csm, so is joomla, etc..

And no you do not need any ebooks about niche marketing... When you see an ebook always assume it is bullshit or you will waste lots of money.... ( And they are all bullshit)

Hell it might even be in wickedfire. UTSF and find the free ebooks thread... Could be there if you really want to read it. ( It will waste your time)
No I'm not gonna read much really, I've already realized that those books are all about simply following some other guy's method blindly. Which is stupid.

Anyways, I'm with the task now of figuring out how I'm going to really take control of my landing pages and place things where I want them, change colors ect.

I decided to simplify my endeavors and instead of creating a full fledged blog site with tons of posts I'll just create two at a time that are similar, and remove any link for each since they are rehashed information anyways. This way I can split test my lp's.

But before I do that I must figure out how exactly I want to target my niche.

The plan before was to create a blog about something thats current and popular. And with that I'd figure out the demographic for that topic and place ads that would be relevant to the demographic, and not necessarily the topic its self.

So first I must:
Plan my campaign around the domain name I've already created and
then figure a free way to take greater control over my lp's
quick update,
with the technicalities I'm doin great, as i would like to believe as now I've been able to achieve the flexibility I desired using my CMS and a very dynamic theme called Affiliate Theme.

Now I must plan, Gotta know what I'm gonna do with the shitty domain name I'v got now. I might try and sell it though I'm unsure of the labor it requires or the return it would bring.

Gotta go over my niche again and plan with greater detail. I should be done with that by this monday.
Trying to discover what are the bases I need to cover in planning to set up something like a review site.
P202 still messing with my Theme even with Affiliate Theme. Dont know how to track individual posts without my widgets dissapearing when I place the tracking code at the bottom of the post... Gotta figure that shit out.
Unsure about I'm gonna do at this point. Gonna promote something instead of using affiliate networks I think. Not sure yet though.
I've been throwing ideas away like crazy still trying to organize myself. Before I start planning for a full fledge campaign aimed at helping my mother profit more, and me earning some commission I'm getting a hold of organizing myself, learning how to plan, what to plan for etc..
I got a great idea from what this guy used and ezine article.
So now I'm gonna start researching for a niche and fuck them in the ass with a badass copy and product value.

The thing I hate about this whole online marketing thing is that there really isnt to many people who are willing to help you grow a solid foundation. So Its like you gotta build one campaign after another to learn about your mistakes in your foundation. After awhile you'll have enough knowledge to build a campaign on a good foundation and have even better chances of prospering. Thats what I think so far but what ever. Just gonna keep chuggin along till I make some fuckin money.
Redoing in whole site. using my Under construction page to promote some games I personally like. lol you never know!

Havn't done shit to the site, I'm still learning about the industry its self and and devising aplan as I do that. I'm also working on putting together the things I've learned from my social psych class. Gonna use variations of NLP, Hypnosis, simple persuasion and social Psych into my marketing strategy.

I'm still looking into my products to promote, and once I find one I'll go ahead and start doing some hardcore target analysis and begin devising my marketing strat.

I should be done with all this by March 1st. Now that I have internet at home I can reallly continue working my ass off to get this progress I want.
Now, I've decided to put marketing down until I am earning consistent money in other areas. Otherwise I'll be depleted of money without a way to make more quickly enough to sustain my campaigns until they, themselves can produce anything.
Be back in a few months.
Learning xhtml and CSS right now. Its pretty fun. Can't wait to learn shit on photoshop and get into flash and java
Finished a near complete form page with XHTML, CSS and PHP yesterday.. I'm pretty stoked about what else I will be accomplishing with this.
Man, I'm impressed, you're still coming back here and posting when it seems like everyone else has moved on. Dig the perseverance.

If you need any help with coding hit me up and I'll see if I can help out.
For what my nub advice is worth..
- Slap some Adsense onto your park/construction page.. you might get lucky.
- Depending on the CMS you're running, Artisteer is awesome for building good looking templates fast.
- If you dont wanna spend hours working everything out for yourself, Joomla has a huge library of freeware modules & plugins

Good luck ! I've been reading this forum for a few months and "got my feet wet" around the same time you did, so its cool to read your progress.