AdAngler Scam Network

I know Michael Square personally. He and I worked together about 4 years ago over at Starwood where I helped him get into CPA Marketing.

Pretty shitty seeing this post about him and all. I will give him a call and try and get the scoop.

Stay tuned...
I appreciate that a lot, Steve - can you tell him to get in contact with me?

I totally understand that shit happens - my main concern is that I haven't heard from anyone on the network in weeks - if he were to just shoot me an email and update me, I'd be much more at ease.
i honestly had no idea linkedin was so important to a network's credibility. I always thought it was an obnoxious site that spams you with job requests. I finally logged in today for the first time since I setup the account years ago and updated everything for AboveAll and accepted the 100+ connection requests (still not sure what those mean other than assuming they're like a friend request).

Yeah I recently found out it was supposedly a "must".....and now the email I use for LinkedIn has pretty much gone to shit. At least 10 emails a day from spam sources, weird groups, sketchy contacts.

Sad dayz...
Quick public update here.. received an email from Michael a few minutes ago. It seems to me that this was actually an offer issue, not so much a network-wide concern.

If anyone else needs to get in contact with him, shoot me a PM for his email.
Eh, I don't give much warrant to LinkedIn myself at all. I get like 50 requests a day for industry related people - for all I know they could be building up the false credibility to pull a like scam.
Ya, I heard they don't just rob ya....but they take ya man hood too!

Is everyone cool or what, how sweet is it to kick an advertiser in the nuts and get paid too! You all are crazy as hell and seriously got away with affiliate murder!

WTF, EAGLE why did you sign up both your companies with Ad Angler today?

My whole (fake) staff hates you. We were fukin laughing our asses off that you had the ballz!

Seriously you say my design was shit, you lied about working with me. I you actually got away with 2k of mine, unlike everyone else here! Who, I actually stood up to my advertiser when everyone here was clearly in the wrong. And, I got my pubs their skrilla! That's whats up!

Same month, same affiliate's traffic:
2k Credit Report offer - EWA - Terminated
18k Credit Report offer - AdKnowlede - Paid

I guess you don't gotta pay if you got a kick ass website, oh wait I remember when eaglewebassets was just and index.html page. Wasn't to long ago. That's how ballaz do right!

Your welcome for the 2k funding so you could finally get yourself a pretty gay cloud site, i feel like im gonna float away when I see that gay shit.

Seriously, I made mine myself!
Approved On Requested Offer - Denied Because, No Phone Interview

I'm an affiliate with them... didnt dare even send one lead for them since they looked shady from the start.. only reason I applied with them is since they had an offer I wanted, but then when I applied for the offer, they didnt approve me..

So from my experience I wouldnt do business with them...

I apologize that you spent the time to signup for an offer you really wanted but were denied, "VedoMedia". This wasn't against you personally and it was totally fixable, you were denied on "464 - EliteMate - Model Casting Call - First Page Submit - International" because we had called you and we were unable to reach you for our phone interview. APPROVAL NOTE: "PHONE: generic voicemail - no info given" Looks like Sandra called you and never heard back from you. It is an Ad Angler's company policy that all new affiliates are called during sign-up and mandatory that your are interviewed over the phone before you are granted approval with us. We did however give you the benefit of the doubt and accepted you without that interview because you have a 0% fraud score, no prior terminations in DirectTrack or HasOffers, and your website ok, minus a few scraped articles. But, the moment you asked for a private offer and we didn't have that phone interview on file and couldn't get a hold of you again on the phone it was sadly an automatic denial. Our private offers are our bread and butter, those are the ones we have serious affiliate marketers currently running with seriously high quality leads. I'm sorry you where denied but we never take chances with disturbing an affiliate who is crushing an offer by adding someone we don't know who could or could not produce fraud leads. We also have some special agreements with certain advertisers that you had to run another offer first with us and the lead quality must be checked for quality before you can be added. Please never be offended by a denial. How would you feel if you where crushing EliteMate with us for 5K a day, and blam the offer is paused right in the middle of your PPC campaign due to a fast 50 fraud leads all from his same computer produced by a pub we never interviewed but recklessly approved on the offer. I'd be seriously pissed. We have these rules set up for the safety of our advertisers but most importantly so our affiliates always have pleasant headache free experience with us.

Oh and I just approved you on "464 - EliteMate - Model Casting Call - First Page Submit - International", you can login and begin running it immediately! Good luck!
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wtf is going on in this thread

1. Wheinrome waz all like whoah bro werez my monies and why no contact?
3. Few comments on the terrible design but no comment on using the Angler Fish as a mascot.
4. Eagle flew in.
5. Steve also swoops in and makes contact connection.
6. Wheinrome goes WOOP because he might get paid now.
7. AdanglerMichael makes an appearance from the deep and leaves a bunch of distracting comments unrelated to why no payment or contact.
8. Eli plays a vicious game of dice wars and TOTALLY WINS!

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Has anyone used the adangler network and been able to reach them? They don't respond to emails, phone calls, or instant messages when requesting payment.

Any activity on the web stopped at the end of the last month including their twitter and facebook.

The following people represent Ad Angler:

Jason Quick
Dan Donaldson
Melissa Michael
Sandra Carter
Tom Masterson

I definitely should of done my due diligence and vetted these assholes.

Tracking platform = hasoffers
Employees on LinkedIn = 0
Area of Operation = Florida

Hey, my tax departments needs your W-9.