*60 000 live verified blog comments only $40* Lowest price guaranteed

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Got my 60k package yesterday and I am very happy with the serivce. Received about 80k links, ran them through Scrapebox, and I was getting about 80% success rate in finding my links. I couldn't run through the whole list because my modem crapped out half way through after eating 5 gigs of bandwidth. But 80% of 80k should be about 64k links, so very happy he over delivered.
Got my 60k package yesterday and I am very happy with the serivce. Received about 80k links, ran them through Scrapebox, and I was getting about 80% success rate in finding my links. I couldn't run through the whole list because my modem crapped out half way through after eating 5 gigs of bandwidth. But 80% of 80k should be about 64k links, so very happy he over delivered.
Thanks for the review:)

the only reason you could only find about 80% of the link is because as new comments are posted on the blogs your link will eventually move to a different page on the blog, so its not that your link is gone its just on a different page. I guarantee more than 95% of the links are still live:)
I just ordered--
20,000 blog comments for $25
Transaction ID: 1CM694696K8091113

If you can turn this around quickly, I will place another order.
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