Received my report this AM from navuud for a review copy of this service. This was my first experience with UAW submissions.
My report contained two live links to Go Articles and ArticleBase with a pending eZine approval. Navuud constructed an off-topic article for UAW submission in hopes that it would be accepted to more categories (my niche for this project is really off the wall and hard to categorize). My anchor text with two links were placed within the off-topic artcle. The article was submitted to 325 Directories/Blogs within UAW.
I was supplied with the titles of each article submitted to UAW, not links, because UAW doesnt provide the actual live links. I Googled the titles and found 21 articles already indexed by Google.
I also received in my report a list of over 300 email subscribers the article was blasted to.
Something I was not expecting, and was a bonus - navuud is blasting the article links as they go live with profile links. Cool.
I would expect the article to get accepted to more directories and show as indexed in Google in time, so the total benefits are not yet realized. Navuud took a really tough niche and placed it where he thought the article would get the most probable acceptance.
So far, so good. I will update with more indexing next week.