5 yr old with leukemia sells 3,000 monster drawings to pay for his cancer treatment

Yep it's too bad for the millions of people that don't have insurance, can't afford treatment, don't get media attention and just have to go die in a hole somewhere.

As it should be. Just because some random kid is dying somewhere doesn't give him or his family claim to another's money to pay for it.

I'd expect nothing more if I were on my deathbed.

Props to the kid for not mooching off the looters.
I'm disgusted I contribute via the government to kids with leukemia.

Fuck off out the country then, thanks. and then hopefully your kids get leukaemia in you new residence and you can happily pay for the treatment with your millions. silly c*nt.
Fuck off out the country then, thanks. and then hopefully your kids get leukaemia in you new residence and you can happily pay for the treatment with your millions. silly c*nt.

I'm pretty sure he was just serving up some sarcasm to the poster who stated that the government doesn't pay for cancer treatments, but rather taxpayers.

Nice of you to wish cancer on his children because you misconstrued something their dad said on an internet forum. Kudos.
Nice of you to wish cancer on his children because you misconstrued something their dad said on an internet forum. Kudos.

He's 17, I know he doesn't have kids (unless he missed out on sex ed classes), calm down. If it was sarcasm then the above is retracted obviously ..

&& maybe if you'd read the whole thread you'd of noticed I'm one of those donating to Leukaemia of Kids in the US whilst also paying UK taxes.
wow, fuck people. fuck joe.

joe, I wish you contract the rabies of a wolverine and the babies of an Olga
He's 17, I know he doesn't have kids (unless he missed out on sex ed classes), calm down. If it was sarcasm then the above is retracted obviously ..

&& maybe if you'd read the whole thread you'd of noticed I'm one of those donating to Leukaemia of Kids in the US whilst also paying UK taxes.

lol Oh, I didn't know. But good on you. I'm in Canada, so our situation is the same as yours.
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B) If you equate not getting to look at rape porn with getting your cancer treatment paid for by the government you're pretty fucking dumb.

Never really got into rape porn. But who knows -- might be in the mood later.

And yeah it's the Same Fuckin thing: Big Brother knows Best and will Take Care of You.

Yeah, I'm da dumb one here. lol
lol @ the retards not realising Joe's post was sarcastic. He might be 17 but at least he knows what sarcasm is and how to fucking use it.

I pay for the NHS via taxes, sure, but it costs a HELL of a lot less than medical insurance would. Something like £1 a day?? pffft, i can find that down the back of my sofa, it hardly breaks the fucking bank.

Infact, i'd be dead already via natural selection if i lived in the US, because i simply wouldn't be able to afford the treatment i need if i lived there. I just read that we have a higher life expentancy over here as well, not sure if thats true, if it is then maybe it's because we get the treatment we need, when we need it.

Either way, its a shame the kid had to go through that to pay for it, but he certainly showed a lot of grit and determination in doing it so kudos to him!.