$5 SEO - Better Than Fiverr - Epic Results - 2 Tier - 500+ Backlinks! - SEO GLADIUS

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any reviews? tempted to spend my pocket money
Yep, the odd user account deleted as to be expected but most are still there. Content is ok and related. These are low quality links so just use them for indexing or giving a boost to sub sites, guest posts etc.

For the price it's a great deal and I for one will be using again and again. As long as the world doesn't end in a couple of days of course ;)

Thanks for the new orders ;)

I ordered yesterday. Received within 24 hours. Nice simple online report with clickable urls. Will order loads more. This is good shit.

For the price it's a great deal and I for one will be using again and again. As long as the world doesn't end in a couple of days of course.

Awesome, thanks for the feedback!! :smokin:

ordered, please confirm

Hi, order confirmed.

Accepting more orders now. Turn around time is 24hr right now. So grab it fast!
Got my report in less then 24hours all looks good to me will use on a few other sites just to mix things up a bit.
Got my report within 24 hours. Quality is not good. Site is related to mobile phones - But the articles are related to "food". So point them to your 5th or 6th levels of link...
ok, doing an experiment and trying some stuf out... PLEASE GOD kill that captcha you have it took me 5 tries before it approved it.
I decided I'd give the $10 option a shot. I have basically NO SEO at this time so I'll be able to rate this service with ease. 49K915246....
No its not a wrong report. The links are exactly what I ordered, but the article is on FOOD. I'm not going to create a ticket, but the paypal payment for your reference is here - xxxxx213K38235327

Hmm, I can't locate your order based on that number. Please pm me your paypal email so I can locate it and send you replacement submission.

I decided I'd give the $10 option a shot. I have basically NO SEO at this time so I'll be able to rate this service with ease. 49K915246....

Order received. Thanks!
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