5-20k To Start..


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Okay, so I'd like to get some advice from you guys. (please read all of this before you make a comment please)

I have $5k to start affiliate marketing, 20k if it really calls for it. This money isn't mine, it's a friend that's helping me out by investing, so that's why I'm asking what I'm asking -- If it was just my money I wouldn't be asking you guys this I would just get to work and start making cash.

I'm not new to this stuff, I've been designing and developing sites since I was 14/15 (I'm 19 now) and have been reading/studying affiliate marketing for the last two years and even have just a little experience with it. I believe I know enough to get a really good start on affiliate marketing, a lot better start than most people because of what I do know and the kind of work I've been doing on the computer for a while now. So I'm not considering myself a beginner at this and could most likely do a lot better a lot faster than someone just getting into this industry. Plus I've worked for many affiliate marketers in the past and have learned from them as well.

But anyway, what I'm asking is, how much do you think I can make after a couple months realistically? With my prior knowledge, I'm not just entering this playing field without knowing how to start. I know what I have to do and what it takes to get where I want (but he doesn't know that, yet). But you guys telling me what's realistically possible will better ensure me that I can do this, as well as well as him so he doesn't think he's wasting his money (I'm gonna have him read this thread, so please, no nonsense).

So assuming I can do all of this myself (listed below), how long do you guys think it will take me to start making a good amount?

- Build my own websites/landing pages
- Create my own campaigns
- Learn from my campaigns that fail or don't make anything
- Set up tracking
- Study what I'm doing wrong/right and fix it/improve everything
- Do keyword research to make sure I enter the game knowing the best keywords to target
- Keep working till I find something that works/or profitable - Scale it
- PPC/SEO stuff

I'm sure there's more to that list that I can add that I'm capable of doing but that should give you an idea.

So what do you guys think, if I start with $5k, possibly up to $20k if necessary, how long do you think it'll take me to start making a decent amount? Obviously the amount of time put in will reflect the outcome as well. I also understand it's possible to waste all of that money and make absolutely nothing, but I don't believe that's the case with me, especially with what I've already learned and what I know. And like I said, I know what I'm capable of doing but I want to better assure him that it's possible so he doesn't think he's wasting his money -- He's getting a nice percentage of the profits for a while (in case you're wondering why someone would do this in the first place), which I'm fine with.

I already know there's threads like this, but I wanted this one to be dedicated to me and my personal situation.

Thanks a lot if you can help!




If you really want to see a lot of nice titties, check out my other thread: http://www.wickedfire.com/shooting-shit/116598-you-gay.html (seriously).

also you are asking questions you'd need to ask a psychic... how would anyone know these answers... it doesnt have to only do with what you know... a major part of EVERY business is WHO YOU KNOW

but i just hit up miss cleo for you... she said... negative 20k overall but one day you will profit 50 on some fb dating and wet your pants but then realize you spent 20k to make 50 dollars in one day
also you are asking questions you'd need to ask a psychic... how would anyone know these answers... it doesnt have to only do with what you know... a major part of EVERY business is WHO YOU KNOW

I figured you guys could at least give a good prediction on what's reasonable to make after a couple months. I know it all depends on the person and if they get lucky right away or not, a lot of factors play a role in this and I'm well aware of the risk and chances it takes to succeed in this business.

I'm not asking anyone to just tell me I'm gonna make 20k a day after I start. I'm just looking for people that started in a position similar as I'm starting so they could shed some light so I have something to show the guy that wants to help me out as well as make some cash himself.

I already knew there were gonna be a bunch of worthless posts in this thread after I made it, but that's what to expect from WF and that's cool. But I figured I'd post anyway.
ill answer because i approve of these gifs

stop asking how much you can make because the answer is "infinite." This shouldn't be your concern at all and frankly its irrelevant. you wasted like 400 words to ask this stupid ass question. you're better off than most newbs with $5k, so pick a traffic source and go beat the shit out of it until you start making positive ROI.
I wonder what your friend's investment criterion are; I personally only look to invest in people UNDER 18 without any business plan or track record. 19 is a little too old for me.
Honestly you are in the wrong place, you should be asking this kind of shit in the warriorforum
I wonder what your friend's investment criterion are; I personally only look to invest in people UNDER 18 without any business plan or track record. 19 is a little too old for me.

There's kids under 18 making a couple Gs a week and know what they're talking about..You're just an idiot..Age doesn't mean shit, you can't do half of what I can do on the computer and I can almost guarantee that (whether you're making 50k a day with AM or not), so go be a fag somewhere else.

ill answer because i approve of these gifs

stop asking how much you can make because the answer is "infinite." This shouldn't be your concern at all and frankly its irrelevant. you wasted like 400 words to ask this stupid ass question. you're better off than most newbs with $5k, so pick a traffic source and go beat the shit out of it until you start making positive ROI.

Thanks for the comment. I really want to start and that's my plan, like I said I above I know what I gotta do, but I have no money to start and the friend isn't just giving me the money to play with and do whatever with. You and everyone else should know that people that aren't in this industry doesn't really understand it very well -- Some people even think you can't make money online and it's all a fuckin joke.
There are "worthless posts" because this is a worthless question.

You will figure out your answer the second you stop asking pointless questions and get to work.

If you are worried about what you are gonna make after 2 months with almost no experience then you have the complete wrong mindset.
You can buy ad space here at WF and sell my clickbank affiliate product get 35% of each sale. If these hippies buy I'm sure you'll make out fine.
There's kids under 18 making a couple Gs a week and know what they're talking about..You're just an idiot..Age doesn't mean shit, you can't do half of what I can do on the computer and I can almost guarantee that (whether you're making 50k a day with AM or not), so go be a fag somewhere else.

Yes, I'm an idiot. Carry on, I see this thread getting better...

Your friend investing might was well put his money on red seven and let it ride.
(please read all of this before you make a comment please)

Go fuck yourself

Thanks for the comment. I really want to start and that's my plan, like I said I above I know what I gotta do, but I have no money to start and the friend isn't just giving me the money to play with.

So what did you have to do to get the 15k out of him?

I'm not new to this stuff, I've been designing and developing sites since I was 14/15 (I'm 19 now)

Having a Facebook page is not the same as Marketing.

So I'm not considering myself a beginner at this and could most likely do a lot better a lot faster than someone just getting into this industry.

Just because you don't consider yourself a beginner don't mean you arnt.

I know what I have to do and what it takes to get where I want (but he doesn't know that, yet).

If you know what it takes why do you need to ask?

But you guys telling me what's realistically possible will better ensure me that I can do this, as well as well as him so he doesn't think he's wasting his money (I'm gonna have him read this thread, so please, no nonsense).

Do you really think you should learn marketing on someone else's dime? What happens when you lose every penny?

Here you can get it right from a Super Affiliate. He goes over everything you need to know and will really open your eyes as to whats possible.
WHOA 19 years old.

im 12. can u teach me how 2 make websitez????


Open Paint (Start menu > All Programs > Accessories > Paint), draw a pretty picture with your super special mouse skills. Go to File > Save. Go to tinypic.com > Browse > Then Upload (make sure you type that captcha carefully otherwise you might have to do it again :/). Copy the link that says "Direct Link For Layouts" and send that to people who you'd like to see your website. Simple as that. Thought it'd be harder, huh? You'll get use to it after a couple tries.
Hello, I can roughly relate, being around the same age with a bit more to invest. We should embark on this adventure together and turn that $20k into $100k by this summer. With your experience - wait you got none just a bunch of theory crap, throw campaigns and buy traffic first then ask questions later.