45+ Free Links Because I <3 U

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Hah, was trying to remember the name of this site and couldn't find it on WF. Finally traced it via backlinks and submitted a site. You got $9.75 from me once, but now I'm gonna continue with the free links and throwing inbounds at the pages.

Clif's Notes: Thanks for a cool service and for giving us the free option.

Ha, sorry for milking the Hamilton ... but it's appreciated. I am going to make something that rotates sitewide links to your MF pages for the most recent paying customers so you'll get that benefit soon enough.

Yea, I just had the above link for you guys & the rest of the world can pay for it. I just hooked up the paypal the other day. Any suggestions from WF about how/where to advertise? I think PPC might be a mistake and I simply can't bring myself to advertise over at the DP directory section.

Also, we're down to 42 free links as 3 services have shut down. I found another one but have not added it yet. Does anyone know of any of these type of sites I've missed?
Ha, sorry for milking the Hamilton ... but it's appreciated. I am going to make something that rotates sitewide links to your MF pages for the most recent paying customers so you'll get that benefit soon enough.

Wafo. I should probably get banned for mentioning it but they'd eat it up and I love the irony of you charging them $10 for something you give WF brethren for free.
Guys, I owe you a debt of gratitude. Since launching this thread megafoo is +3500 links and as of recently I'm pulling appx 1k visitors daily... also 500 daily visits from both gbot & slurp so your pages are getting some exposure.

Since I'm already giving this away for free, I don't know what I can do except to say thanks ... I appreciate the link love!

Wafo. I should probably get banned for mentioning it but they'd eat it up and I love the irony of you charging them $10 for something you give WF brethren for free.

If anyone has a trusted (word used loosely) account there I'd be interested in a rev share ... I've never joined that place & would have no desire to check it daily. :bigear:
Thanks for this. My friend just directed me here to add a site I just created. I've also reciprocated by linking to your directory. Can't wait to see the results. Thanks again :)
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