400 word articles - cheap - $2.5

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Got three articles from cramy.

What can I say, he exactly delivers what he promises. The articles read pretty well and I just had correct 3-4 little spelling/grammar mistakes. But overall it's a steal for the price and you get some decent quality content (even for your money site).

I had articles fo 2$/100 words that were total crap compared to cramy's work. I'll be back for more :)

iTrader on it's way..

@Fellah - samples sent!

Looking for more BULK orders, as well BMR (150 words) orders.

Got 4 articles from cramy.

He exactly delivers what he promises. The articles read fairly well. I just had to correct 3-4 little spelling/grammar mistakes. But overall it's a steal for the price.

I sent him keywords, he sent back articles in 24 hours. Great stuff.
I got 5 articles a few hours ago and I have to say they're very well written and as everybody else says, steal for the price. I will surely order more soon.
@Fellah - I sent you samples. I don't use Skype/email/YM.

If someone needs articles fast, it's easy - just send me the keywords and I'll write them as fast as possible.

@metoo, @Boss - thanks! As everyone else can see, I do my best to write the articles as fast as possible.
I will send you a PM shortly.

I'm looking for more BULK orders and BMR orders.

Thanks a lot!
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