40 blog posts on 20 AUTHORITY .EDU domains $39

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There are 14 .edu domains and 10+ .edu.au domains

The PR breakdown of the websites is:

PR 8 x 5
PR 7 x 5
PR 6 x 3
PR 5 x 3
Rest are PR 1-4
How is my order coming along? I ordered 3 anchors per page and there was a mistake in the report and recieved only 1.
I asked for the mistake to be corrected and i was told to fix it and do it myself.
This is the first time after ordering 100s of packages on here that i recieved such a response.

Not sure who replied to the email saying this but can somebody fix the mistake please. Its been 2 weeks now and no reply.
err? I replied to you 2 days ago,

No there was no mistake, you gave me 3 anchors, without specifying how many links per post.

As stated in my multiple emails, there is no difference between putting one link per post with one anchor, and putting 3 of the same links per post with different anchors. So I don't see why you want things changed

Regardless, i'll change them for you, give me a few days, it's christmas geez
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