3x PR4 - 13x PR3 - 4x PR2 - Blogposts on private network - just $14!

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Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #45H20465HD587334R)

Thank you, order received!

Report received.

All domains with the promised PR.

Articles readable with the requested links.

Thanks for your feedback! iTrader returned

Thanks for the order!

Do YOU write the content for those blog posts, or do we have to supply a spun article?

I provide the content but if you want to use your own article this is also possible.

Payment send. 7FF91338AB094664R

Thank you! Watch your inbox for the report.

I am curious about this as well, PM me details

PM sent!
Just received my report. KW is a non competitive KW and I have the EMD.com for the term.

KW was #8 before this started. The article reads pretty well especially for the price.

So far 9/20 of the properties have been indexed and the KW has moved up to #7.

Great value for money.
What's the current turnaround time? Please shoot me a PM I'm interested if you can do it quickly!
PM me your paypal address. I would like to place 3 orders at once.

pm sent!


Unique Transaction ID #8WT2061582810851K

Thank you for your order! I will send you the finished report soon.

New order placed. Unique Transaction ID: 2EF28994NM2558240

Thank you! I will start working on it as soon as possible.

Just ordered. Order ID: 34931081JP141723R.

Thank you for the order! I just sent you the report, please check.

send in the info for my review copy

Thanks eliquid! I sent you the report to your email address.

Just received my report. KW is a non competitive KW and I have the EMD.com for the term.

KW was #8 before this started. The article reads pretty well especially for the price.

So far 9/20 of the properties have been indexed and the KW has moved up to #7.

Great value for money.

Thanks for your review tencentpiece! Great to see that you already saw some ranking increasement. The rest of the posts should be indexed in the next days/hours.

I have just submitted my order,

Pm also sent.

Thank you, I will check your pm!

What's the current turnaround time? Please shoot me a PM I'm interested if you can do it quickly!

I got a lot of orders the last days so currently the TAT is around 2 days. I don't want to post too many posts per day to my blogs.

Got my report in a fast turnaround! Articles are spun but the link value is what matters. Blogs were on PR as advertised! Look forward to see what positive effect this has on my KW ranking.
Would use this service again! Thank you and a great value!

Thanks for your review! I really appreciate it that you took the time to leave your feedback here.

Same as above. Got my report back this morning, everything is as promised. Will be ordering again soon.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to your new order.

hey hey hey...I just paid!

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 64P51449BG227202H.

Thanks for your order! I received your details and will send you the report soon.
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