$35 Vector Logo Pot-O'-Gold

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I'm really impressed with this guy. I explained what I wanted, he turned that idea into a logo, and a day later I have a completed super high quality logo. The quality, turnaround and overall friendliness are fucking stellar. I'm sending all my logo work to him in the future.
Got my logo from Matt and I've got to recommend him. Turnaround was amazing fast yet the quality was great! I am definitely going to be using his services again in the near future.
Received 2 logos from Matt. At $35 a pop it's a steal. The quality you get with the logos are just like the ones at 99design. Just amazing!
He worked with you until you are satisfied with every details of your logo.

You guys are crazy not jump on this opportunity.

For the rest asking retarded questions, you are wasting his valuable logo making time.
So this kid has 3 hours to get me the vector logo or its free (from when i sent payment). He has been online plenty, even sent me a finished gif of the image. But is too lazy to send the vector even though he would do it "right away".

Lets put bets on if I will get it for free or not. 3 hours to the dot and counting down...
Thats right folks, I'm offering bitching quality vector logos for a massive reduction. Can you believe it!


Special Bulk Offers:
5x Vector Logos $120
10x Vector Logos $240
25x Vector Logos $380

Current Specials:
2x Vector Logos $50


- You can only order the logo in this thread, any requests outside of this will not be held to the same pricing structure, so fuck off your broke ass bitches.
(for bumping of the thread reasons only)

- You cannot talk about fight club

- You can order as many logos as you want at once

- If you do not recieve your logo within 48 hours, its free.

So what are you waiting for? a portfolio or some shit? Well sorry I ain't got one up yet, but here is a few bits of pussy juice to wet your lips on:


You Must Reply To This Thread To Get Your Logo(s) - Do Not PM Me Without Posting First.

It has been 48.5 hours since I sent payment. Please send me the Vector, and refund via Paypal. Don't know what went wrong with you, but this turned from a simple project done in a few hours, to you delaying and disappearing.
no shit. in the first post, that wasn't said.

You are:
- A douchebag
- An idiot
- Not intelligent
- A thread crapper
- Not very good with comebacks

Because of the aforementioned reasons, you = FAIL, your personality has a FATAL FLAW because of these reasons and you will NEVER be anything but FAIL.

/end rant

(this is my free bump for ya)

Good lookin' vectors, some top quality work! I'll keep this thread in mind next time I need some work.

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