$35 Vector Logo Pot-O'-Gold

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Dec 11, 2008
Rating - 100%
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Thats right folks, I'm offering bitching quality vector logos for a massive reduction. Can you believe it!


Special Bulk Offers:
5x Vector Logos $120
10x Vector Logos $240
25x Vector Logos $380

Current Specials:
2x Vector Logos $50


- You can only order the logo in this thread, any requests outside of this will not be held to the same pricing structure, so fuck off your broke ass bitches.
(for bumping of the thread reasons only)

- You cannot talk about fight club

- You can order as many logos as you want at once

- If you do not recieve your logo within 48 hours, its free.

So what are you waiting for? a portfolio or some shit? Well sorry I ain't got one up yet, but here is a few bits of pussy juice to wet your lips on:


You Must Reply To This Thread To Get Your Logo(s) - Do Not PM Me Without Posting First.


I found a few high quality logos here for free.
Best Brands of the World - vector logos, brand, logo, logotype, photos probably only 50,000 or so.
Free is good, but often not unique.

But, if you pay me, I'll send them to you as well.

... didn't you just say they were free?

But not like you can actually use them.

Best brands of the World is the most comprehensive resource and one of the most visited web sites where visitors can browse and access copies of the world's famous brands and logos. Through our site, visitors will be able to access and obtain Vector format versions of thousands of brands and logos for use in the mock-ups and presentations pending the permission of the copyright owner(s).

So... for lack of a better word : FAIL.
Excuse the ignorance but what's a "vector" logo?

A jpg, gif, png, would be a raster image, basically meaning the 'pixels' you got, is the pixels you got, you can't magically create new pixels, so upscaling and such would suffer.

A vector on the other hand is the 'instructions' in how to draw the image. So you could make it any size you'd want and it'll remain as crisp as an original would be. Usually comes in the form of .ai (adobe illustrator) or other vector formats, from there you could remove/modify shapes, or resize it for a specific output, and then your final image could be a jpeg for web.

If you were a photographer, it would be like having the raw file, or original negative, except far more versatile.
Ah hah.. Thanks!!

A jpg, gif, png, would be a raster image, basically meaning the 'pixels' you got, is the pixels you got, you can't magically create new pixels, so upscaling and such would suffer.

A vector on the other hand is the 'instructions' in how to draw the image. So you could make it any size you'd want and it'll remain as crisp as an original would be. Usually comes in the form of .ai (adobe illustrator) or other vector formats, from there you could remove/modify shapes, or resize it for a specific output, and then your final image could be a jpeg for web.

If you were a photographer, it would be like having the raw file, or original negative, except far more versatile.
Okay guys, 12 replies later I have two review copies on their way to abhorrent & hyperion.

As for the guy with the 50,000 free logos, I have absolutely no idea what he is on about.

Anyway, thanks for hijacking the thread you knobjockey.
suck it Maitiu.

yes, I was making fun of the fact the OP is offering something for free. No matter where you get the logo, it's still the owners property. If you draw a nike symbol, by trademark laws, nike owns it, and you cannot not use it without their permission.
suck it Maitiu.

yes, I was making fun of the fact the OP is offering something for free. No matter where you get the logo, it's still the owners property. If you draw a nike symbol, by trademark laws, nike owns it, and you cannot not use it without their permission.

I can not hear your sense over the loud noises of your failure in explaining.
At least back up what you are insinuating with a bit of fucking hard, cold evidence you cunt. This is my first Buy/Sell/Trade post and you have literally fucked it up the backside.

Show me the trademarks you fucking tramp.
At least back up what you are insinuating with a bit of fucking hard, cold evidence you cunt. This is my first Buy/Sell/Trade post and you have literally fucked it up the backside.

Show me the trademarks you fucking tramp.

Errr, calm down. But also, you live in Ireland so that's way cool. I haven't been, but I'd like to go (I live in England). It's great to hear the word 'knobjockey' on the internet.
Errr, calm down. But also, you live in Ireland so that's way cool. I haven't been, but I'd like to go (I live in England). It's great to hear the word 'knobjockey' on the internet.

Haha, yeh man I get a bit tetchy sometimes... Yeh its good in some parts, Belfast is a shithole to be honest, you cant beat a good piss up in Dublin a chara!
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