30 Blog Post PR 2 High PA/DA - Original Content 500-600 Words CopyScape Passed

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:alert::alert::alert: I'm happy announce two new features I will be offering to this package (and all future packages for that matter)! :alert::alert::alert:

You can now do the following:

  1. Velocity Posting - This is ideal for newer sites. Velocity allows us to gradually increase the number of blog post per day as we reach closer to your drip end date!

    Day 1 - 1 Post
    Day 2 - 3 Post
    Day 3 - 5 Post
    Day 4 - 10 Post . . . .

  2. Spinnable Tags - Why hasn't anybody done this before?! You can now submit a block of tags and we will randomly spin 3-4 tags to every post.

Got my review copy...

Everything looks really good! All 5 are legit PR2s (big surprise right) and the sites look nice, are exactly as described etc. Links are dropped in the text and make sense, meaning it's not just your link with your requested anchor text dropped somewhere in the middle of a random paragraph. I've debated whether or not this is important, and I've concluded that even if it's not important now it may be in the future as THE ALL SEEING GOOGLE EYE becomes more keen with semantics.

The provided articles aren't exactly 5 star quality, but I mean $160 for 30 articles + getting your link on 30 domains... can't really complain, especially since the quality isn't important as long as they're unique and not unreadable spun CRAP.

All in all I'd give it a 5/5 for what it is. Yeah the PR could be higher, OBL could be lower, articles could be better etc... but I don't see those as reasons to berate the service. It's a cheap way to get 30 permanent links to your site that will probably get stronger over time. Get ittttttttt :)
Finished up a handful of order tonight but I'll be sending them out tomorrow morning! Good time to take more orders!

Got my review copy...

Everything looks really good! All 5 are legit PR2s (big surprise right) and the sites look nice, are exactly as described etc. Links are dropped in the text and make sense, meaning it's not just your link with your requested anchor text dropped somewhere in the middle of a random paragraph. I've debated whether or not this is important, and I've concluded that even if it's not important now it may be in the future as THE ALL SEEING GOOGLE EYE becomes more keen with semantics.

The provided articles aren't exactly 5 star quality, but I mean $160 for 30 articles + getting your link on 30 domains... can't really complain, especially since the quality isn't important as long as they're unique and not unreadable spun CRAP.

All in all I'd give it a 5/5 for what it is. Yeah the PR could be higher, OBL could be lower, articles could be better etc... but I don't see those as reasons to berate the service. It's a cheap way to get 30 permanent links to your site that will probably get stronger over time. Get ittttttttt :)

Thanks for the review =)
My review:

I got a sample review copy from Jana and i these are some very good blog posts. The content is decent, not newspaper quality but nowhere near spun shit. The anchors were used correctly and the links are put inside the posts to make them look natural.

The turn around was very fast and from my previous experiences with Jana i can say that she delivers the goods. The sites have different themes and they look good so i would guess that they will be like by G :)

5/5 from me!
PM me list of your 30 sites...

The domain info is already posted on the thread. =)

My review:

I got a sample review copy from Jana and i these are some very good blog posts. The content is decent, not newspaper quality but nowhere near spun shit. The anchors were used correctly and the links are put inside the posts to make them look natural.

The turn around was very fast and from my previous experiences with Jana i can say that she delivers the goods. The sites have different themes and they look good so i would guess that they will be like by G :)

5/5 from me!

Thanks for the review!

Youor kidding, right?

Order placed. thanks

Got it!
Got my report and it took a few days to check it out, but I just did and I'm very happy.

Out of the 30, it appears maybe 3 or so dropped their PR, but that's par for the course. That happens. I still got 27 post on PR2 sites with great trust. That should be a big boon in helping my site for the long run.

I can't say anything about ranking movements yet because its too soon, plus there's so much going on with Penguin its hard to say. Sites are flying around everywhere.

In the report, I also got files for each every individual blog post, each of which was 100% different, and as someone else said above, the links make sense and weren't just randomly placed in the content.

This is a good deal! A lot of PR is going to flow from this, but even more importantly in my eyes is the trust that you will gain as all of this ages. This is how big boy sites get established and maintain solid rankings.

For a smaller, less competitive niche, I bet this would shoot a site pretty high up the rankings. For mine, its competing with Govs and Edus, so hard to say. Held #1 for over a year. This will help it climb back :)
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