2011 NBA Playoffs...Who Ya Got?

celts/bulls would be an awesome championship...as long as the bulls take it, of course.

4 of these teams can take it: Lakers, OKC, Bulls and Heat. No other team has a shot, I'd bet $1000.
Does anyone know a place to stream the games? I want me some Internetz love. They shoulda just let espn broadcast the whole thing on ESPN3.
It depresses me to say I think it will be the Heat.

My heart and soul are behind the Thunder for this one.

But sadly......Miami is putting it all together.





Coming for #18, bitches.
I don't see the Heat getting by the Celtics. No size, no bench, and can't close out games. They have struggled all year against good teams and blow out the bad teams. Chicago will be tough though.
Heat are 1 for 19 in the closing seconds of games to tie or win... and the one time they did... they still lost the game in OT. (via ESPN)

4-2 Celts.
How awesome would Thunder-Celtics be? After watching Perkins destroy their new charmin soft interior and Green/Kristic sucking dick on the bench most of the series, Ainge would get motherfucking lynched. ohai, JD!!!! :)