(2) Sites Ripped

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Thanks guys. All I have learned from this thread is that I should just stop paying landing page designers and copyrighters and just copy your shit. Appreciate it, you guys just saved me alot of time. Love this industry, peace.

Thanks guys. All I have learned from this thread is that I should just stop paying landing page designers and copyrighters and just copy your shit. Appreciate it, you guys just saved me alot of time. Love this industry, peace.
What you should have learned is that what you think you know about business online is wrong.

And if your attitude is one of worrying about yesterday's losses at the expense of tomorrow's profits, you're better off getting a job working for someone else and taking home a salary.

Many a great product, solid investment and creative businessman has been taken down by their own inability to see the big picture.

Shame is, you seem too obstinate to find the growth opportunity in this experience.
Thanks guys. All I have learned from this thread is that I should just stop paying landing page designers and copyrighters and just copy your shit. Appreciate it, you guys just saved me alot of time. Love this industry, peace.

You're taking things too personally you vagina.
Thanks again.

Seriously, don't take that shit lying down.

Don't be a mangina.

Find the dude with your lawyer, go to his house and ring the doorbell.

When he answers the door, tell him your name and the issue you have with his behavior. Tell him you'd appreciate it if he stopped.

Take his picture with a polaroid camera, then, while he's standing there going "What the fuck?" cut his picture into many pieces. Then, hand him a piece of cake and walk away.

This will show him that you mean business.
Find the dude with your lawyer, go to his house and ring the doorbell.

When he answers the door, tell him your name and the issue you have with his behavior. Tell him you'd appreciate it if he stopped.

Just stick a little javascript call to your server in there and if they rip your page word for word without changing, you can own their page whenever you feel like it.
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I had lately the same issue. it pissed me off I didn't let it go and fighted along the way. I succeded to ban him from 3 webhosts. and finally I got his two sites redirects to my site.

check this great site: Plagiarism Today

good luck
Not that it would make a huge difference, but have PHP strip newlines and whitespace from your site. That will prevent complete noobs from ripping your shit.
Shit gets copied, not just this industry, it is everywhere. If there is a new product that's profitable, I guarantee that you will find replica.

Here is what you can do

1. Record ripper's IP
2. Cloak it to makemoniesonline.com
3. ??????
4. PROFIT!!!!!
The networks shouldn't allow this shit to happen. They need to start cutting links of affiliates that copy lp's.

But then why the fuck would they care. It's just more money in the bank.
I have a trademark for one set of my businesses and that works really well. The minute anyone even tries to use the word combination I have trademarked (whether on purpose or accidentally) my bull dog trademark attorney is on them like flies on shit. It's the only way I know to really protect something. Works like a charm but not worth it on niches that are disposable or sites that are in niches that will die out pretty quick (berries, etc.)
And so the affiliate marketing Diogenes shineth his lamp forth in the brightness of the noontime sun, seeking an honest man among affiliates and finding naught but scoundrels.
Thanks guys. All I have learned from this thread is that I should just stop paying landing page designers and copyrighters and just copy your shit. Appreciate it, you guys just saved me alot of time. Love this industry, peace.

Couldn't afford a lawyer?

You go from, one day you want to sue people ripping your landing pages, the next day you want to copy other peoples landing pages.

Make up your mind already!
This just shows you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. No, i'm not new you douche bag.

?? So just because I have no clue how long you've been promoting affiliate marketing offers means i don't know what i'm talking about... from the sound of it.. anyone who is getting that upset of a lp rip either hasn't been in this game very long or this is the first time they've actually paid for original content.

Go cry in the corner.
I'd forget about spending money on a lawyer and invest it in some decent protection to make sure your shit doesn't get ripped so easily again. There may not be a rock solid way to stop people ripping your stuff but if you can stop the average schmoe from taking your LPs then you've got a bit more advantage.
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