(2) Sites Ripped

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and who did you rip your sites from?

stop bitching and go make money
Shut the fuck up. Not everyone copies every damn LP.
There's a huge difference between people looking and seeing "oh, review format seems to be working" or "I think I'll borrow that color scheme" vs. directly copying the whole LP.
You're fighting a losing battle. It's like the MPAA trying to sue individuals downloading music and movies. You might make a point, but you'll never stop it.
There's billions of people who want to download movies. There's a lot fewer who are going out to copy LPs.
Think of it in terms of business. How much are you going to lose by trying to litigate against all these fuckers? Your time, your expenses (if you don't win), your frustration etc.
A C&D or DMCA request aren't too difficult to do really.
Just be damn sure you're right. It doesn't take much time at all.
Think of the revenue you're missing out on by not keeping focused and pressing forward. Certainly more than stopping some dipshit from ripping your copy. And a brand new one is certain to pop up a week later.
This is bullshit, and the reason people keep doing it. Keep in mind also that if their webhost/LP is down, that's one less competitor for you.

Gratz on your success stussy cause if someones rippin your shit it means your doing well, any campaign/LP that starts showing up a lot is going to get coppied or like in this case just straight up ripped.

Focus on good inovative creatives so while they are copying the ones that made you a ton last week that are dying down you are moving forward with new ads for new eyes
I suppose you have a point on the movie thing Shady...sort of apples and oranges.

But there are a constant influx of noobs into this industry and what's the first thing they do? Copy lps (and probably wouldn't know if an example had been made of someone before them). All I'm saying is I don't think a C&D is going to slow it down at all, short of stopping that one affiliate...who probably isn't doing jack shit in volume to begin with.
I understand it happens all the time, but the reason it keeps happening is because no one is taking action. It's unacceptable to me, and I'm not hurting for money, so I am going to do everything in my power to make someone pay.
Gratz on your success stussy cause if someones rippin your shit it means your doing well, any campaign/LP that starts showing up a lot is going to get coppied or like in this case just straight up ripped.

QFT, I've noticed every successful site or LP I've built has been ripped... the more successful the more frequently it gets ripped... hell, I've noticed if I push something to the top of the SERPs for even a mildly competitive keyword, it'll be fairly quickly ripped by a number of people...

aside of C&Ds and DMCA notices, there's not much you can do... although, I've found that a calm and professional phone call can help speed up the takedown process... under DMCA safe harbor provisions you can't really sue people or 'make them pay' as long as they take it down after you request it... not to mention that if you can find them, a lot of the people ripping stuff are located outside the US, so good luck trying to sue some fucker in russia...
Let it go. You think it happens because no one takes action, the truth being theirs not much you can fucking do.

C&D's and DCMA's are about it, they only take a few minutes to create.

This industry is an industry that can be copied, it sucks but that's just part of the business.
Did somebody say "rrrippp"
I understand it happens all the time, but the reason it keeps happening is because no one is taking action. It's unacceptable to me, and I'm not hurting for money, so I am going to do everything in my power to make someone pay.


make new and better LPs and let it go instead of wasting time trying to get to someone whos stealing your shit. If you can't handle a little LP rip then you need to basically just get the fuck out.

make new and better LPs and let it go instead of wasting time trying to get to someone whos stealing your shit. If you can't handle a little LP rip then you need to basically just get the fuck out.
Maybe you need to get the fuck out.
It increases how quickly the LP gets saturated, and makes people do stupid shit like, oh, I don't know. Changing only the name and not the image on an LP?
People pick up on that stuff. Not all of them(obviously) but a fair amount.
I've always wondered how people find these other pages that look identical to yours.

stussy555, how did you go about finding someone ripped your LP? You just search on google/yahoo the same keywords your bidding on to see competition and you just happened to find one of the sites?
I've always wondered how people find these other pages that look identical to yours.

stussy555, how did you go about finding someone ripped your LP? You just search on google/yahoo the same keywords your bidding on to see competition and you just happened to find one of the sites?

I haven't sent many DMCA notices but they have worked 100% of the time. A few times the host has even taken down the site without contacting the owner first, now that's satisfaction. I LOVE that "account has been suspended" page, haha
Listen fuck face. I have a LP designer and a copywriter that I HIRE to build my shit. My shit isn't copied. Maybe you should shut the fuck up unless you have something constructive to say. Or get the fuck out of my thread. I don't need your bullshit when im fucking furious.

How about this.. you're in an industry that is based around the concept of 'get rich quick'.... people copying your ads, websites, copy, etc.. is part of the norm. get use to it. The second you release anything unique, it is no longer unique.

Just because you feel like you aren't getting 'what you paid for' and have become 'furious' over this matter shows how new your are.. its ok, but this is just what you'll have to get use to. There are a few ways to help control this to a small extent as shown through various posts on the board and elsewhere, but over-all your shit is 100% garunteed to be ripped by at least one other person.
it's what the industry is based on - getting rich fast, losing weight with no actual effort, using a cream to instantly take off 10 years of your life from your face, etc.. this also includes ripping your landing page because then they don't have to create anything (or most likely don't know how to).

everytin' be irie... just relax.
Your landing page is not your competitive advantage in this business. It's your keywords, traffic sources, ideas, strategies and other things that can't be easily stolen.

Spend more time on your competitive advantage and less time on things like this.
Redirect all Ubuntu/Linux users coming in. They don't convert and chances are they're thieves anyways.
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