(2) Sites Ripped

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Dec 12, 2007
I've had two of my sites ripped in the past week and half. Design, copy, etc. I paid for the designers and the copywriters and had my stuff built from scratch. Only to find out someone has copied the design with maybe a minor tweak and ripped the copy word for word.

What am I doing wrong that has people ripping my stuff? What can I do to protect myself.

I will be going after these/this individual with a lawyer, already in the works but I want to get feedback on how to prevent it.

you cant prevent it, if people know youll sue them they might stop, but its hard to prove anything and youll spend lots of money trying to fight something you might not win.
If your entire business model can be copied, your real focus shouldn't be on tracking down the individuals who copied it but rather on building a competitive advantage that cannot so easily be hijacked.
It's more insinuating I've seen that fucker rip off so many lps, at this point I just assume it's him. Perhaps not my most constructive comment.
But ok. Go after the web host. They live in fear of copyrighted material.

Oh yes, you're correct. I will let you know once my lawyer knows, I will post his details on this forum for everyone to see as well.
Oh yes, you're correct. I will let you know once my lawyer knows, I will post his details on this forum for everyone to see as well.

the only thing your lawyer is going to do is make your wallet lighter... let it go, save yourself some time and money.
You're fighting a losing battle. It's like the MPAA trying to sue individuals downloading music and movies. You might make a point, but you'll never stop it.

Think of it in terms of business. How much are you going to lose by trying to litigate against all these fuckers? Your time, your expenses (if you don't win), your frustration etc.

Think of the revenue you're missing out on by not keeping focused and pressing forward. Certainly more than stopping some dipshit from ripping your copy. And a brand new one is certain to pop up a week later.
and who did you rip your sites from?

stop bitching and go make money

Listen fuck face. I have a LP designer and a copywriter that I HIRE to build my shit. My shit isn't copied. Maybe you should shut the fuck up unless you have something constructive to say. Or get the fuck out of my thread. I don't need your bullshit when im fucking furious.
Listen fuck face. I have a LP designer and a copywriter that I HIRE to build my shit. My shit isn't copied. Maybe you should shut the fuck up unless you have something constructive to say. Or get the fuck out of my thread. I don't need your bullshit when im fucking furious.

constructive?? what have i been saying all along fucknut?

Don't waste your time with lawyers and yes, you are quite the bitcher.

Eat out your mother

Listen fuck face. I have a LP designer and a copywriter that I HIRE to build my shit. My shit isn't copied. Maybe you should shut the fuck up unless you have something constructive to say. Or get the fuck out of my thread. I don't need your bullshit when im fucking furious.

And did the thought that your LP designer fucked you over ever cross your mind?

I'm sorry but most sites look just like others anyways.

Is bitching making you money? Nope.
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