That right. WHy settle for 2 when you can have 3 layered links. Its like a 7 layered burrito minus 4 layers.
Heres what I do. I take your link and add it to DFB. I builds dirwctory links, bookmarks, and profiles (aka forum spam). I thne takes your dirwectoiry links and bookmarks them. Then I takes the bookmarks and profiles thjem. then I takes the proifiles and directories thjeme. Rinse and repetes till you rank.
1 url $1000/mo
2 url $1500/mo
3 url $2000/mo
I gurattee you will rank for term no matter wehat it is eventually.
pM for details
Paypals verified no risk

Heres what I do. I take your link and add it to DFB. I builds dirwctory links, bookmarks, and profiles (aka forum spam). I thne takes your dirwectoiry links and bookmarks them. Then I takes the bookmarks and profiles thjem. then I takes the proifiles and directories thjeme. Rinse and repetes till you rank.
1 url $1000/mo
2 url $1500/mo
3 url $2000/mo
I gurattee you will rank for term no matter wehat it is eventually.
pM for details
Paypals verified no risk