1nspire's 3 layered links

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May 12, 2008
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That right. WHy settle for 2 when you can have 3 layered links. Its like a 7 layered burrito minus 4 layers.


Heres what I do. I take your link and add it to DFB. I builds dirwctory links, bookmarks, and profiles (aka forum spam). I thne takes your dirwectoiry links and bookmarks them. Then I takes the bookmarks and profiles thjem. then I takes the proifiles and directories thjeme. Rinse and repetes till you rank.

1 url $1000/mo
2 url $1500/mo
3 url $2000/mo

I gurattee you will rank for term no matter wehat it is eventually.

pM for details

Paypals verified no risk

You want us to trust you with a $1000 a month and you can't even take the time to get your ad proof read to get rid of spelling mistakes and typos?

Sorry mate but it doesn't inspire trust...
That right. WHy settle for 2 when you can have 3 layered links. Its like a 7 layered burrito minus 4 layers.


Heres what I do. I take your link and add it to DFB. I builds dirwctory links, bookmarks, and profiles (aka forum spam). I thne takes your dirwectoiry links and bookmarks them. Then I takes the bookmarks and profiles thjem. then I takes the proifiles and directories thjeme. Rinse and repetes till you rank.

1 url $1000/mo
2 url $1500/mo
3 url $2000/mo

I gurattee you will rank for term no matter wehat it is eventually.

pM for details

Paypals verified no risk

I personally LOL'd *slow claps*

Unless you're serious. Because if you're serious, the mods can delete this post. <3
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