$1million in just 7 Days?


"I'll auction off my virginity on ebay" is the most putrid thing one could say?

Fuck that. I am soooo fucking tired right now. I am so tired that the monitor boxes in my office look like they could make comfy pillows, maybe. So tired that ....

And even in this state, I can think of many, many worse things. In fact, I have it on authority that your mom said worse things to your dad while they were making you.

But away from the personal insults...

You come here and bring nothing to the table.
All you got is some weird guru complex and Tony Robbins style motivational quotes.

Did you present a plan to make a million bucks in a week? Did I miss it in this thread somwehere?

The problem is that a plan is not enough. I can plan all day, but the secret lies in the execution and yes, a lot of times in the resources for execution.

Alright then, here is my plan for you (wouldn't want you to leave disappointed).

  • Huge news portal focusing on the hottest developments in health, lifestyle, celebrity gossip, technology, parenting and sports.
  • Special focus on women's point of view, but a masculine undertone in the sports section, men's health and technology departments.
  • Great, minimalist design, subtly highlighting sponsor's products.
  • All endorsements done tastefully, highlighting the products strong points using high quality photograohy and video, as well as real user's reviews.
  • Timely, unique content, written by a highly talented team of international journalists, polished by knowledgeable and strong editors.
  • Stunning visual media in pictures and video.
  • Social Media ties for each section with personalized and personal messages, transparent, friendly and customer centric.
  • Endorsement of particitpation by the community with highlighted reader's stories and pictures when suitable.

There ya go.



Funny or not Tony is one of my favorite new guys on Wickedfire. Keep posting Tony. Even if it sounds crazy, the general mindset may be helpful
It won't be. It's a matter of social dynamics.

Tony may be brilliant, but he doesn't understand how to approach people socially. An audience has to be warmed up to the speaker and the topic before you can toss stuff like this out.

Then his mid-thread meltdown doesn't help either, because instead of him challenging WF, WF is now challenging him to see what his tolerance for pushback is. If you want to fit in, you need to be able to handle getting shit on with a lot of wit or grace.
This is just disgusting. Here we are on a Marketing forum and not one person can devise a scheme to make $1million in a week? You must be kidding me right?

You guys seem to have the largest vault of erroneous images and shameless videos yet not one person had the decency to put forward even one suggestion

Hell, I own several businesses.. My Business Consultancy firm generates hundreds of thousands each year.. But I thought this is where the big boys played. I thought this is where i'd find some like minded individuals..

But instead, what am I presented with? A tirade of homosexual innuendos.. Crackpot theories on how one should infiltrate fort knox.. But yet not one person has put forth a tangible plot..

Do you know why? It's because you just aren't good enough. You haven't got the balls to walk out of your house and make 1million in a week. You haven't got the mental fortitude to understand that it is highly possible to make 1 million each and every week.

YOU SUCK as a person.. YOU SUCK as a business person.. and quite frankly most of you must SUCK in bed.. You aren't man enough to grab this business by the hair and have your wicked way with it. You aren't man enough to bring this business to it's knees and force it to pleasure your ego... YOU SUCK!

Reading through this thread all I see is filth.. one guy actually said he'd "auction his virginity on ebay".. That is the most putrid thing someone can say and you should be ashamed.

3 years ago I sat myself down in my living room and said, 'I am not leaving until I figure out how to make £5,000 each and every day'. and I DID!.. Today I make a minimum of £15K from every deal I close. Because I am one determined bastard!

Refer back to the first post of this thread! THAT is how you must think every single time you want to put together a business plan.. every time you want to structure or re-structure your business.!!! you MUST approach this stuff like you ONLY have two options! Success is one.. Death by rape is the second! MAKE YOUR CHOICE DAMN IT..

You can put me anywhere on god's green earth and I'll triple my income.

It's not because I'm better than you, or because my balls hang lower than yours.. It's because I don't give one lump of shit about anything else apart from making MORE money... The key word being MORE!! Too many homo recipient individuals are 'content' with just 'making money'. In my books you are a failure if that's your mindset. You are a disgrace if you feel that it is okay to just skate by earning peanuts whilst other people are out there earning millions each and every day.. YOU SUCK!

Now I didn't want to have to spank your asses but damn it, you put the paddle in my hands!

Coffee is for closers!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r65sGnwf5bk]Drug Catapult: Video of Mexican smugglers sending pot across US border - YouTube[/ame]
come on why we are here? to make money or to talk shit.In internet marketing million $$$ is possible but we need to have patience and strategy .I dont keep any stupid ideas of making 1 milllion $$$ in 7 days like that which could land me in hell.If i am good i can make that money any time