$1m/week facebook app - an insider's look...

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but the point remains of making money out of peoples good will towards breast cancer victims. Its not like you are selling a product here, you are tapping into the fact that people think breast cancer needs a cure and is a horrible disease, you are making money of their wish to help!

Why not 100%?

Sure they can take out $20 an hour as compensation.

Anyway the ideas in the video were good! I just wouldn't chose to do it with breast cancer! Maybe something else, like........ (removed)....... that idea is too damn good!

but the point remains of making money out of peoples good will towards breast cancer victims. Its not like you are selling a product here, you are tapping into the fact that people think breast cancer needs a cure and is a horrible disease, you are making money of their wish to help!

Why not 100%?

Sure they can take out $20 an hour as compensation.

Anyway the ideas in the video were good! I just wouldn't chose to do it with breast cancer! Maybe something else, like........ (removed)....... that idea is too damn good!
Someone is installing a toolbar so that they can show their friends how "involved" they are with the cause.

Like putting a fucking yellow ribbon on your car to show you support the troops. Yeah, how many people actually do anything other than put that ribbon up there to look good? They're both empty gestures, but at least they spread awareness. That's all it is.

404: Sincerity not found, in either case. Get over it.
I republished Chickenhole's vids on monetizing your facebook app and you can see it's a pretty straightforward process to monetize an app to $1m/week.

In fact I've seen the facebook app he refers to on a number of your facebook profiles... it's the 'pink ribbon' breast cancer facebook app in case you're wondering.

It's at: Monetizing your facebook application

quick! come take a look before seo_mike republishes it on tattooed marketer...!
This is fucking cool as shit - I like the idea - sounds like from many of the post here that we have all missed the boat on this. How the fuck long has face book been allowing these applications?
The just causes toolbar is on FB i think. else google for them.

The app is just one part of the equation.

If you're not able to do viral marketing for the offer, or don't do a facebook flyer campaign, you'd be joining the other 11,999 facebook apps with 10 daily active users...

you need to put the whole picture together: concept -> application -> traffic = money.
you miss out one part and you might be looking at $1-5/day from all this....
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