$1m/week facebook app - an insider's look...

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I think people are confused. To me, there is a difference between asking for donations (free money from people's good will) and then only using 10 % for the cause and selling (or giving) a product that people will use anyways and using 10% of that for the cause.

The second is just like a little bonus, something that helps me pick product A over product B. The first is almost criminal (IMHO).

The way I look at it is the more money being donated to the cause, the better. More money for research etc.
I think people are confused. To me, there is a difference between asking for donations (free money from people's good will) and then only using 10 % for the cause and selling (or giving) a product that people will use anyways and using 10% of that for the cause.

The second is just like a little bonus, something that helps me pick product A over product B. The first is almost criminal (IMHO).

I agree, it's the way things are promoted, giving the impression that it's a charitable project.. the same shit happens offline too... you guys get people selling shit and collecting in pubs and bars apparently for charity? ... but if ya read the small print on their badges and boxes...

Interestingly more and more charities seem to have affiliate programs now, but most (in the UK anyway) involve getting sign-ups for direct debits which isn't easy.
posted by bitsdawg
Have you ever seen those gumball machines with pictures of missing children on them? At a glance, it looks like the proceeds go the charity. I read that the owner only has to donoate $1 a month or something to the charity to stay legal.

I used to own a bunch of those and can vouch for this -- at least as recently as the early 1990s it was $1 per machine per month in order to be able to use the charity as leverage. Of course you were arguably providing "service" by also advertising the charity/missing kid/etc in a space which might otherwise been used for paid promotion, but really, don't ever buy a peppermint patty for the children. It's bullshit.

^^don't ever buy anything out of those machines period. I mean who knows how long some of those things have been there?
"but i don't wanna sell my soul to spammers."

"that's unfortunate, cause i buy souls."

lol. brilliant.
The only problem is that the app DID NOT MAKE ANYWHERE NEAR THAT FIGURE. Cause marketing may seem simple, in that you stir up passions for the goal( the call to action) but in reality not many people follow through with what they were to do. PEOPLE DONT GIVE A SHIT DEEP DOWN INSIDE. All they want was the puke pink ribbon in there profile to say hey see i support the cause.

on a different topic, are there any rockyou guys here? for they own facebook
I don't understand. Doesn't this fall under incentivizing traffic?

I actually have the same question as Yoey. Does "download this and we'll donate to charity X" = incentivized?

Sorry searchfordeal, your answer wasn't...uh, terribly coherent.
Morality aside, this is great use of Reading Human emotion. Having the individual feel good that just by downloading a toolbar he/she is contributing to a great cause [breast cancer] and not having them cost a penny!
On the morality issue, If the person actually donates money to the stated organization, i see no issue. It follows the trends of "social entrepreneurship". (example: red campaign) However, if none of the money goes to the organization, i consider it fraud.
I think that this is just taking a chip off the old block. If you look at Apple , Gap and Now dell with the red campaigns. It is going to a good cause and even tho someone is using it to their advantage and making money purely or that form that standpoint.....They are still raising money for that cause.

If I had a million dollars of profit I would donate a good portion of that to a cause. I understand that it might be sketchy on an ethics basis; but personally If i had breast cancer or aids or any disease and someone was building a biz and giving back to my org. then I would be behind him....or her!
It's all in the videos isn't it?

He talks about the pink ribbon app being a white label of a just causes toolbar paying $0.80 - $1 per install? [ie CPA].

Because last month was breast cancer awareness month, he got a spike in interest and got that 1.5m downloads?

further in the video, he also talks about negotiating with the networks to allow for soft incentivization (even for non-incentive offers)...?

I don't understand. Doesn't this fall under incentivizing traffic?

good video but making money off peoples good will about breast cancer is darn right immoral! Why not make an app like that that tells people how to give 100% to breast cancer research?
nothing immoral about it. good comes from it. donations occur that would have otherwise never been made. who is to say that the personal responsible for facilitating the donations ought not to compensate themselves for their time and effort? no one is posing as a non-profit organization in this situation. it's no different than most affiliate marketing. disclosure is not mandatory.
er, you can go look at the records and financial statements of organizations like habitat for humanity, salvation army and worldvision.
in many cases less than 30% of every dollar you put in goes to the beneficiary.
I think you'd want to do more research before getting up on your moral high horse.

Personally i think the breast cancer foundation would be thankful to receive $15k to their coffers from just one app alone...

On another note, for those asking about creating your money-making app (and yeah, you don't need to choose a disease or people in suffering if you don't want to...)

You might like to check out my long, long post, over at:
Monetizing social networks and MMPOGs.

It covers strategies, rather than give you step 1-10 like "go to google trends", "get some keywords" "scrape this, scrap that", "ping it 1,000 times a day", "stuff with links".

If you're looking for that, you might like to pass it over...
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