$1m/week facebook app - an insider's look...

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andrew wee

New member
Dec 1, 2006
I republished Chickenhole's vids on monetizing your facebook app and you can see it's a pretty straightforward process to monetize an app to $1m/week.

In fact I've seen the facebook app he refers to on a number of your facebook profiles... it's the 'pink ribbon' breast cancer facebook app in case you're wondering.

It's at: Monetizing your facebook application

quick! come take a look before seo_mike republishes it on tattooed marketer...!
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I can't even get a fucking dating offer approved so apparently I'm tripping over the dollars to pick up the pennies. I can watch rah rah rah videos all day but where's a good site to go to actually begin learning how to develop these Facemunch "applications"? I don't want to fucking hear Google.

I thought it was pretty clear since he laid out CPM, CTR, EPC returns.
short of him doing the app for you, i think you need to use 2 or 3 neurons to put his info into action...

I can't even get a fucking dating offer approved so apparently I'm tripping over the dollars to pick up the pennies. I can watch rah rah rah videos all day but where's a good site to go to actually begin learning how to develop these Facemunch "applications"? I don't want to fucking hear Google.
another form of traffic arbitrage.

$1k from toolbar installs, $150 in donations, gross profit $850 per thousand installs.
the app still needs to be developed, so there's dev costs.

incidentally that pink ribbon app isn't chickenhole's as far as i'm aware.

for those sitting on their moral high horse, i guess you might prefer the breast cancer foundation gets $0 instead of $15,000 from the deal?

on the "ethics" of all this...

Should the grocery store sell you it's goods at cost?
a pound of potatoes for $0.05?

Then right after that we quit affiliate marketing and join the monastery?

doesn't sound too fun...

$150 from each thousand downloads was donated so a lot of the money did in fact go to a good cause...I see nothing wrong here. This is good stuff.
another form of traffic arbitrage.

$1k from toolbar installs, $150 in donations, gross profit $850 per thousand installs.
the app still needs to be developed, so there's dev costs.

incidentally that pink ribbon app isn't chickenhole's as far as i'm aware.

for those sitting on their moral high horse, i guess you might prefer the breast cancer foundation gets $0 instead of $15,000 from the deal?

on the "ethics" of all this...

Should the grocery store sell you it's goods at cost?
a pound of potatoes for $0.05?

Then right after that we quit affiliate marketing and join the monastery?

doesn't sound too fun...

Ever hear of something called grammar? I suggest you use it. It is still exploitation of a dreadful disease.
People actually think those little pink ribbons you can buy or shirts or whatever it is goes 100% to the cause?
Yes this was a great video and Andrew is right that for those who have a brain + persistance + ability to think outside the box, they can do a lot with the video's info.

Although the most hated man in blogging John Chow posted this 4 months ago.
Charities are very special *legal* entities, with special tax considerations. If he gave the impression he was a charitable organization, I wonder what the legal ramifications of that are? Or did he have a disclaimer somewhere?
Does a grocery store tell you that part of the proceeds from your potato purchase will go towards breast cancer research? Please.

Not specifically for potatoes but ever seen an ad saying that a portion of your product purchase will be donated to charity x? McDonald's does this shit all the time. Now is that bad of them because they get more sales or is it good because in the end money goes to charity anyways? I think the latter is more important.

You're making money and donating to a good cause at the same time. That's just my opinion but we all know what opinions are like :)
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