16-year old mentally challenged boy tasered to death

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New member
Aug 21, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqHNGY3MEs4]YouTube - Cops Kill a 110lb. Mentally Challenged Teen With Tazer[/ame]

1. Don't get out of the car and run from the cops @ a traffic stop.
2. Don't resist arrest after you're made the cops chase you a couple blocks.

Shitty story, but fuck... what do you expect.

"not wanted for any crime", "no criminal history", "no weapon on him"... what, like they were supposed to do a background check while they were chasing him through the ghetto? You peace the fuck out when you get pulled over, resist arrest in a deserted building when you get caught... you're lucky if you only get a taser.

"It was murder!"... no bitch, you kid was retarded. Maybe you shouldn't have smoked so much crack when you were pregnant.

EDIT: Side note, fuck CNN. Pussies. "He was 5'2", 110lbs"... what, someone 5'2" can't carry a gun?
1). The cops are fucking pussies, they should have just grabbed him and put him down on the ground and arrested his ass.
2). The kid was fucking retarded, on more then one level, but he should have known not to fucking run from the cops.

I say both are to blame, kid for running like a dumbshit, and the piggies for being little girls about handling the situation.
This is why I never watch the news..

"Why did they use a taser on a kid that hadn't did anything?"

I also like how they played up that he was mentally retarded in that title, when the reporter casually says he had learning disabilities.

@Kyle: +rep for being awesome. Lol.
sorry but i'm 100% with kyle, kid runs and resists the police, what the fuck do you expect? and how are they supposed to know that he has a 'learning disability' by seeing the back of his head bolting down the road? fuck seriously.

sorry but i'm 100% with kyle, kid runs and resists the police, what the fuck do you expect? and how are they supposed to know that he has a 'learning disability' by seeing the back of his head bolting down the road? fuck seriously.


Hell could probably even try to claim his learning disability got him killed by invoking him to run in the first place.
haha.. all i had to watch was the first few seconds of that video and hear the words "Merduh" uttered out of a black woman's mouth.. trying to get her rodney king bling.
1). The cops are fucking pussies, they should have just grabbed him and put him down on the ground and arrested his ass.
2). The kid was fucking retarded, on more then one level, but he should have known not to fucking run from the cops.

I say both are to blame, kid for running like a dumbshit, and the piggies for being little girls about handling the situation.

Seems to me as Tasers being originally toted as being 'non-lethal' and too many cop being hesitant bout using physical force, they seem to be using taser too often as its easy to do. We could just step it up a notch and just allow them to use their sidearm... it'd be easy, half the time wouldn't even need a trial. (I kid of course).

Sometimes cops are just going to have to get their hands dirty, get scuffed up some and so forth, and use the taser when its actually necessary and not as a means of just keeping yourself from breaking a sweat. I would probably rather have a cop pin me to the ground than to take a taser in the gut pissing myself, and possibly having a heart attack lol.
learning disability can mean that you have dyslexia. If it was a severe case than WTF was he doing cruising 8 mile unsupervised by an adult?
Tasers ARE lethal

Stupid that cops use them
This ^^^.

Also, everyone who thinks the kid was wrong, good Jews get on the trains to Auschwitz, ok? Running from the police is a natural reaction to overgrown thugs who beat and kill innocent people. It's called flight or fight. Most of us choose flight in when we are overmatched.

Cops don't make us feel safe, they make us feel scared.

People who allow the cops to bully them around are trading their freedom for a false sense of security. Cops assault a lot of people who don't run and don't offer physical resistance. Youtube is filled with this stuff.

The statistical probability that a police officer can wander upon a criminal about to commit a crime is tiny. If you removed all of the bullshit victimless crimes, it would be almost impossible. The police are there to intimidate you, and keep you in line. Every once in awhile, one of these goons beats or kills someone, like that kid who was shot in the back in SF a few months back, and it's about making people more terrified, and making them more likely to run when confronted by police.

Not all cops are bad, but many are. In the dark, alone at night, good luck hoping you got a good one.

Read this to get an insight into the thug mentality.

Kicking Up a Stink Over California Incident - Patrol Tactics Channel - POLICE Magazine
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